Father just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer

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Whole world and perspective on life has just shifted in a second. Told this news today that my amazing father has pancreatic cancer. Still processing. What can I do or say that can make the situation any better? Want to help but don’t know how. Any words of advice from anyone who has gone through this or going through this please? Trying to stay positive and strong but it’s hard when you don’t know what your dealing with xx

  • Hello

    My mum was diagnosed back in June when I was 9 months pregnant with my first baby. I thought my whole world was about to crumble.  Mum had a distal pancreatectomy in September, which removed the tumor, part or her pancreas and spleen. The surgeon was  happy the operation went well but she still has to have chemo, which she started on Monday...I am trying to be very positive for her as things are looking well but my heart is broken to see her going through all of this..my advice is just take every day at a time, and there are options...best of luck to your dad x

  • Hello, 

    My dad was given this shock diagnosis mid July. Going by his prognosis (2-3 months) he is now living on borrowed time. After struggling to juggle my own young family with caring for my dad, my husband has now taken compassionate Leave from his work so I can care for my dad 24/7 and just make his final days/weeks as comfortable as we can. It’s very challenging, physically, mentally and emotionally but I am humbled that I can help support him at this time as it’s a million times worse for my dad to come to terms it. Wishing you lots of strength x 

  • Thank you for taking the time to reply. That must have been really hard for you when you’re about to have your first baby. I have a 2 and 4 year old and my mum and dad look after the little one every week for me. The kids are a welcome distraction from everything but am looking at alternative childcare as it’s obviously too much for them atm. Thanks for explaining what treatment your mum is going through and pleased the op went well. Hope she doesn’t have too bad symptoms from the chemo. Good luck to your mum x

  • Thank you for sharing your experience with me. Life and the normal routine has to change temporarily for everyone I guess it will never be the same again. Do you have anyone else who can help with your dad? Sounds like your dad is very lucky to have you. I hope however long your dad has with you are as pain free and peaceful as possible x

  • Yes my half sister snd my auntie help me. I hope the out come can be more positive for you. The decline in my dads case has been so rapid. His prognosis was so poor because of vascular involvement. I’ve been disgusted in the cruel way he was diagnosed and basically sent hone to die. Thankfully we have support now of district nurses, Macmillan carers 3 times a week and a palliative care nurse I can call on for advice but without me, he’d not be able to be home and the hospice is full so it would be a hospital, which none of us want but most of all dad dad.  My wee children can’t even bare to see him now. They were so close but he is really frail and they find it traumatic and distressing, well my son does especially . They are 8 snd 6. I protect them now as much as we can but my dad also finds it to painful to see people. I hope you have a better journey than we have xx keeping everything crossed for you all xx