My dad

  • 5 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Hi there I'm new here and my dad has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. This was 6 weeks ago and the speed with which this all happened is very frightening.  The cancer has spread to the bowel and lymph nodes and also the lining of the stomach. We have been told its inoperable but he may get palliative chemo.  He's 81 and quite weakened now with the loss of weight and hardly able to eat much at all. I'm wondering if anyone else has been in this position as I don't know where to turn for help with what to expect etc. Kind regards kay 

  • Hi  I've a different type of cancer to you but am answering to" bump" your post,in the hopes someone from the group will answer  you.

    You can phone the helpline too on 0808 808 0000 and might consider joining the Family and friends group,to get support for yourself.

    You need to think about the side effects of palliative chemo too  ie will the chemo affect his quality of life at the end? 

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
    • Thankyou for your response and you are right it is fear of the unknown and things seem to take so long or at least it feels that way before there's any answers or help...thanks again
  • Hello Kay 0071, I'm sorry I didn't see your post until now.

    Unfortunately, pancreatic cancer is often 'silent' until it is well, advanced and then it moves very quickly.

    Buttercup has given some very good advice. It is for your dad to decide, of course, but the chemo used for pc can be quite harsh and as Buttercup says it is worth thinking about the side effects of chemo.

    And Buttercup's comments about finding strength is spot on. It comes from somewhere.

    My further pieces of advice are twofold. Firstly, don't worry about your dad not eating. I really stressed about my husband not eating and all that did was to stress him. Try and tempt with small meals but the main thing is to keep him hydrated.

    The second thing is to try to take one day at a time. Enjoy what you can with your dad. A treat or chat or whatever he wants to do.

    You will find strength.


  • Thankyou squeaky this whole thing has been very quick indeed. I'm so sorry to hear that your husband had this, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. We find out in 3 weeks what the way forward regarding any treatment will seems such a long time away.  Thanks for your reply it has been helpful x

  • hi,

    all I can say is take as much help as you can from your local hospice/mcMillan and don’t worry about the eating, just make sure your dad is hydrated. 

    My husband only had 1 chemo and then he was jaundiced as the cancer spread aggressively to his liver.

    take care