Diagnosed with Psncreatic Cancer August 2019

  • 22 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hello Everyone - had the op  got through the chemo got the all clear May 2020.      But I am left with all sorts of problems which I have to deal with on a daily basis - troublesome and painful smelly wind+++    bloating     very loose unpleasant and smelly stools+++   pains down right side around op site  difficulty walking long distances (walking around a supermarket I have to stop and rest)    I've recently started medications to treat anxiety and agrophobia.  Lockdown was a nightmare having to shield I literally locked myself away as advised.  This left me living alone with  two parrots and  a cat  not able to  see or have limited human contact  added to the fact I was already having to deal with CANCER the aftermath of all the procedures/coming to terms with new regimes and new found mental/physical capabilities.    No.longer  able to see my oncologist  GI nurse  dietician  clinical navigator etc etc....  to discuss face to face  my fears and worries or  question are these problems/ difficulties normal? 

I would love to hear from others out there who have either  been through or going through all the procedures  treatments for pancreatic cancer and hear how they're coping? Is what I am experiencing normal?  To find people who truly understand what a lifechanger dealing  and living with this disease is.     Not only receive advice  but give advice (if I can help that would deffo help me knowing my experiences and my methods of coping etc has helped others)  plus have a giggle Blush

Regards and Best Wishes 


  • Hi

    I'm sorry to read about all the problems you've been left with since having treatment for pancreatic cancer but it's great that you've been clear for over a year now!

    I don't know if the problems you're experiencing are normal as I had a different type of cancer but I do know that life never goes back to how it was before you had cancer. I would imagine that everyone finds that some aspect of their life has changed, whether that's for the better or the worse, and we all have to find ways of dealing with that.

    You might like to have a look through some of this information from Macmillan about after treatment. It has sections on things like recovery, late effects of treatment, how to lead a healthy lifestyle, etc.

    Macmillan have teamed up with BUPA to offer free specialist counselling for people struggling emotionally because of cancer. If you'd like to learn more about this clicking here will take you to further information.

    It would be great if you could pop something about your diagnosis and treatment into your profile as it really helps others when answering or looking for someone with a similar pathway. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hello CatLyn, I haven't had Pancreatic Cancer but my husband did. I have had breast cancer. I am delighted that you got the all clear in May 2020. It is always good to hear a success story. My husband had the Whipple but unfortunately the cancer returned. After the Whipple he experienced many of the problems which you describe. Sadly, I think that this is very common for those who have had the Whipple.

    Of course, the pandemic has brought problems of its own and having to keep shielded was not easy. I had four cats to keep me company and saw very few people.

    There is also the aftermath of cancer. Latchbrook may be able to help but around the time I was recovering from breast cancer surgery there was a paper written which dealt with feelings after cancer and although people are given the all clear how they feel about things.

    I think what you are experiencing is pretty normal not only with the post op problems but the feelings of coming to terms with a new normal.

    I hope some others will join in.


  • Hi

    Is this the paper you were thinking of ?

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi Latchbrook, That's the one. I found it very helpful after breast cancer. 


  • Hello Squeaky.  Thankyou for replying   so sorry to hear about your husband so sad   I lost my husband 19 years ago which was devastating especially knowing that these days his illness is treatable/curable.

    I am so pleased to hear that what I am experiencing is pretty much normal and that I am not a freak lol   I hope your recovery from breast cancer is proceeding well? 

    I love cats  what are their names  how old are they?  Sadly my moggie died last year but he had a grand life   20 years young  lol   he was brill  he knew something was up when I came out of hospital after the whipples procedure.

    Have you found that people all supportive wanting to help/get involved at the start of your journey fighting this disease slowly dwindle?    I have  especially after I got the brilliant news all clear  - is it because they're bored and cant understand why 1) haven't returned to work bright eyed and bushy tailed or 2) why its taking so much time to recover 3)why arent you jumping around like before  full of energy etc.....  or 4) think no longer require any help/consideration?

    Anyway great hearing from you squeaky     one thing that does help me is my sense of humour and giving myself at least one thing to look forward to even if its just the most stickiest ickiest highly calorific yummy scrummy cake in the whole wide world to eat with a strong hot cup of tea (I might pay for it later cramps wind the unmentionable pebbledashin lol) its treat and its what gets you through the thought of that cake.

    I would also love to hear about your thoughts and experiences not being nosey but would like to help even if I'm just an on line sounding board to rant at it helps     so better go I'm getting boring now.

    Take care and hope to hear from you (and others out there) soon.    Look after yourself and all the best to you and yours from me and mine.

    Kindest Regards


  • HI CatLyn

    The current cats are Florence, 10  (she was my husband's cat and looked for him for months after he died), Mimi, also 10 and a pedigree (whose attitude to life is 'we are where we are. Is there food?', Thomas 9 (big white and ginger boy and a coward) and Sophie who is the youngster at 3. IN total, I have had 11 cats over the years. These ones are all indoor cats.

    Both my husband and I were very quiet about having cancer but you are right people want to help at the beginning and then dwindle away. Many people don't understand that the PC surgery is significant and the life changes after are immense.

    In some ways having the breast cancer I had was a walk in the park compared to PC because it involved very little surgery and radiotherapy for three weeks. There was no talk about chemo until the last moment and the extra chances it gave just were not worth the bother to me so I declined.

    I was sorry to hear you lost your husband so long ago. My husband died in January 2016. 

    I am at my desk and Florence is on the desk and Thomas is on the window sill. I moved house three months ago and Sophie found it traumatic so she sleeps during the day in the wardrobe. Mimi will be in her basket!


  • Hi and good afternoon squeaky

    Hppe your day is going well -  Ive had a bath rail fitted this morning so I can now have a bath with ease getting in and out   not much to be excited about to others but I struggled,  now with the bathbboard and vertical hand rail woohoo! No more worries.

    Love the cats names - Ive always had cats  Jai Jai was a burmese and he was my Dads cat I took him in because he was part of Dads life so when Dad passed in  2014 I didnt hesitate to take Jai Jai into my home - didnt think he would settle as quick as he did   soon took over as they do   and the parrots werent a bit bothered so his last years with me were stress free and thoroughly spoilt.   He had the habit of sleeping in the wardrobe as well and the airing cupboard!  I miss having a cat but it wouldnt be fair I havent got the core muscles to empty out/fill cat trays its things like that Ive had to recognise my limits/come to terms with.

    Glad your recovery from BC was quick and non intrusive and that your doing ok therefore chemo not essential or necessary for a better chance of recovery. Goodo!

    I'll let you get on with the rest of your day.

    Look after yourself 


  • Morning CatLyn, How are you today. It is very muggy here (Scotland) . Florence cat is on the desk and every time I push her out of the way she comes back and lies on the keyboard. 


  • Good Morning Squeaky  

    Hope your fit and well - its muggy here as well in the East of England - (roughly 45miles from London)   keeps clouding over and threatening rain what we need is a nice juicy thunderstorm. I enjoy a good storm   we dont seem to get real good ones I think were in a dip between the chilterns so sheltered   flat lands of Bedfordshire lol.

    Florence is doing what puddentats do   annoying but they want you to look at and admire them  I can imagine her thoughts are "what you concentrating on that thing for when youve got ME!"  Jai Jai used to sit himself slap bang in the middle of what I was doing and if I was writing pad pad the pen with his paw lol   but you cant lose your temper cos thats what they do lol.

    Ive made a bread and butter pudding this morning dunno why just fancied a milky gooey pudding - I like to let the milk mixture to soak into the pudding for an hour before cooking it   that hours up so I'd better get on with it.

    Take care of yourself  and say hi to Florence from me   :)  

    Bestest Regards


  • Good Afternoon Squeaky

    How are you today?  Is Florence on the keyboard with you today?    I'm busy doing nothing, working the whole day through, trying to find lots of things not to do  :)   (song sung by Bing Cosby in one of his films if I recall correctly???).

    Its still overcast and muggy here so no bbq this evening :(     I treated myself to a gas bbq thinking woo hoo Summers here!    The weather since it arrived has been wet wet wet and deffo not bbq weather.

    Anyway just thought I'd drop a line or two to keep in touch.

    Take Care and Kind Regards
