My dad

  • 1 reply
  • 45 subscribers

My dad was diagnosed with inoperable locally advanced stage 4 pancreatic cancer back in June, he has always been extremely fit and healthy, so his accelerated decline was a shock to us. I’m live 1mile away from him and my mum so I am with him everyday, the standard of health care from the consultants , doctors , nurses and Pallative care/  has been very poor , almost non existent until just recently. After many sleepless nights researching this cruel disease I have taken control of looking after him and making decisions regarding his treatment as neither him or mum choose to acknowledge its severity. I have been reading this forum from the very beginning and it’s been a great help.. but as I watch my dad deteriorate in front of me day after day... I’m curious as to what I should be looking for in his last stages .

many thanks 

  • Hi and welcome to the online community

    I'm very sorry to read that your dad has been diagnosed with inoperable advanced pancreatic cancer and I know what a shock this will have been to the whole family. It's also very disturbing to read that the standard of care that he's received has been "very poor, almost non existent" as this is certainly not how it should be. You might want to contact the Patient Advice Liaison Service (PALS) about the care your dad has received. Clicking on the link I've created will take you to the website which gives you further information.

    You've said that you are "curious as to what I should be looking for in his last stages" so I'm linking you to this information from Macmillan. You might also benefit from joining the supporting someone with incurable cancer group where you can talk about how you feel as well as practical issues about palliative care and end of life. If you'd like to join just click on the link I've created.

    Sending a virtual ((hug))

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