12 weeks on and still no treatment plan

  • 8 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Hi there,

New to this group, long post but I'm really struggling to support my dad who has recently been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

The whole process has been diabolical from start to finish, originally starting with a trip to A&E over 12 weeks ago due to pain, loss of appetite, weight loss etc as he could not get a appointment with the GP.

The CT scan from the hospital showed liver mets (not that he was told this, he was sent a technicians report from a colonoscopy he was due to have). At no point have we had any contact from consultants, it has been a nightmare every step of the way. It took the hospital 9 weeks to arrange an MRI of the pancreas, he was told it was not his pancreas but then called to thr hospital a few days later to say it is and a PET scan would be arranged, that took a further 10 days and we are still waiting ok results 10 days later.

Throughout this whole time my dad has steadily declined, he's lost over 4 stone in weight, he's not eaten a meal in months and he is agony. I have non stop chased the hospital, the consultant (who refuses to call back). The internal cancer team (he was referred to even before having a diagnosis) and now the community palliative care team, again who he has been referred to without a confirmed diagnoses / prognosis. No one has been out to see my dad, we have no card plan, they have been fobbing off with paracetamol until I was on them daily to prescribe something stronger, I'm promised call backs and nothing comes of it.

My dad is fading away and I am at the end of my tether on what to do, no one seems to be responsible for my dad's care. I'm scared he is going to pass without having ever received any support or any kind.

Please, if anyone has any tips for getting this sorted I would be very grateful. A dog wouldn't get treated like this,I've never known anything like it.

  • Hello Mrs G861

    I am really sorry to hear of this experience. It must be very difficult for both you and your Dad. In all this the primary carer is your GP. I appreciate that in the past your father could not get an appointment with the GP. However, I would go back now and insist on a consultation. The GP should be able to prescribe some stronger medication.

    Also you might find it helpful to speak to the nurses on the Pancreatic Cancer UK helpline on 0808 801 0707. Also have a look at that website.

    I hope you can get something sorted out.


  • MrsG861  Any more news on your Dad? I hope you and he are doing ok?....

  • Hello, its been a little while since your last post...any more news?

  • Hi there,

    Thank you for the message, dad is awaiting admission to hospice, he's on end of life care. 

    It all happened to late, by the time we managed to get him an oncology consultation and discuss chemo he was too weak.

    In all honesty, it's been horrific from start to finish Cry we can only hope that he gets to hospice before he passes. 

    Really appreciate you checking in.

    Kind regards 


  • I'm sorry to hear this. 

    I hope he now has a place and can settle in, as much as poss. 

    Wishing you love and strength, pancreatic cancer is a bleep.

    Keep in touch as you need xx

  • Hello, I hope that you are ok, what's the latest? xx

  • Hello!

    I hope you're well?

    Dad is still hanging on, he's in the hospice which we are grateful for, they wanted to discharge him but he has taken a turn so taking it hour by hour. His mood is extremely low but he is in the best place. Just wish that I could take the pain away as he has suffered so much, mentally as well as physically.

    Thank you again for checking in, it's greatly appreciated xx

  • thoughts are with you xx