Hypo symptoms

  • 5 replies
  • 23 subscribers

Hello all,

I wondered if anyone had any dizzy hypo feelings,I have had these weird feelings for a few days.

went to after hours clinic but just tested me for Covid!

Urine sample was clear and temp was ok too,contacted the cancer nurse but she never got back to me,I waited for hours trying to get through to GP but I started to feel unwell and gave up.

rang helpline but stating that I must contact GP or nurse.

Grateful for any advice.

  • FormerMember

    Hi mjrich, just a quick note yes I have had these feelings dizzy, spaced out, tingling, etc just not right, can be frightening but mine did pass after a while I put it down to the chemo?, I would suggest you speak to a medically trained person to put your mind at rest, just wanted to reply to you so you don't feel alone.


  • FormerMember

    Thank you devoncat

    i feel a bit better now after your reply as i don’t find anything on the sites for hypo feelings!

    My Cancer nurse got back to me, I haven’t been in touch since I finished chemo in July,she said she will ask the local district nurses to call and give me a blood test, that was at 11am I don’t expect to see them today!

    Because I have pancreatic cancer I thought it could be diabetes as it can cause that, but who knows?

    It is really scary and my lovely hubby panics if I am ill,Thanks once again for replying.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi mjrich

    glad I made you feel bit better, it's never nice when you don't know what's going on with our bodies, glad you managed to get  hold of someone, hope it's not diabetes, I think we have enough to deal with Grinning

    stay strong and stay safe


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Yes we certainly do,nothing more could be done for me anyway I just eat the best I can and take herbal stuff, hoping for the best!

    I hope you are feeling ok today.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you for advice,no one turned up to do bloods and I felt so ill my daughter rang for ambulance, waited an hour then went to A&E ourselves waited about 3 hours bloods were fine,blood sugar levels perfect and chest X-ray showed nothing wrong there!

    ECG was also fine, doctor said it may be panic attacks?

    I have had a couple of episodes since it’s quite scary but I just try to distract myself with something!