My Uncle has been diagnosed a week ago.

  • 4 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I joined the group just now because I’m really struggling coming to terms with my Uncle’s diagnosis. Tomorrow we find  out the staging. Wanted to seek support and hear some positive stories.

I’m very very close with my Uncle and I cannot believe he is going through this. It is so cruel he is 60 and is so positive and never complains about anything. Being positive also along with the rest of my family but I just constantly feel upset and tearful. I can’t imagine what’s going to happen and I’m terribly scared so is he. 

I love him so much I just wish this wasn’t happening. 

Thank you for taking the time to read and I wish everyone the best sending love xxx Pray tone2 

  • Hi Cuddlybluebeat

    Im sorry to hear of your uncle’s diagnosis and it is understandable that you are worried. There are a few of us on here and we try to support each other.

    Once the staging is known the medics will suggest a course of action. But in the meantime the best advice I can give is to take one day at a time. Don’t worry about the future. Easy to say, I know.

    Let us know how your uncle gets on.


  • Hello there, it's a huge shock when something like this happens. You are doing everything right by being supportive and positive. The specialist told my partner that a positive attitude is hugely important in the  treatment of this disease. Coming onto this forum is a great way of expressing your emotions, anger, fear frustration, whatever. No one will judge you and although we don't have all the answers you will have our support. I have found it hugely helpful. Mcmillan are a fantastic source of information and support. If you look under the groups section there are also other forums that you may also find  helpful. I hope that you will start to feel a little stronger when you have more information and a treatment plan. Once you know what is happening you have a strategy,. Take all the help, support and advice you can get, look for what can be achieved. Wishing you all good things, pam xx

    Love is eternal
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Squeaky

    Hi Squeaky,

    Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post, really appreciate it. The reason why I joined is exactly as you mentioned .. the support. I thought it was today the results were in but apparently it’s next week. I just cannot relax at all until then, I know how apprehensive my Uncle is and anyone in this situation who is just waiting. My heart pounds and I’m waking up 3 times a night at least in a sweat I’m so frightened for him. Just praying here constantly.

    I will take your advice and take each day at a time. Thank you so very much xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Needing friends

    Hi Pam,

    Thank you for your kind message and sharing your experience regarding your dear partner. Isn’t it just heartbreaking no words can even describe. Sending love and prayers your way. We an only hope for the best yet remain realistic. 

    Results are next week now so very anxious until then. Will keep you updated. So glad I joined the group as I already feel the support.

    Thank you again xxx