Sometimes its like being lost in a maze

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Hi all

Anne's got the palliative nurse calling tomorrow and also the community dietition. Because of Anne's severe weight loss the nurse requested Anne  see her GP before her visit in case there were underlying problems. Her GP said the weight loss was due to the cancer and I said  is that whats called Cachexia? Yes it was. He didn't need to explain further as I told him I knew what he was saying. I wanted to protect Anne from knowing the full meaning. Basically no matter how much she eats - which is very little these days - she will continue to lose weight because  cancer is an evil  parasite that  loves to suck every piece of goodness out of your system if it possibly can. He said it may also be a  signs of diabetes so she's off for a blood test on Thursday. The day earlier, because of Anne's bloating and pain, the dietician suggested over the phone  that Anne stop taking her Creon to see if that improved the situation and she would review the result on her visit tomorrow. So Anne ate her lunch of  vegetable soup without creon and was OK. GREAT -  so we thought. But tonight her tinned  rice pudding without creon, which up until now she's been able to take without any problem, created a bout of vomiting till it seemed every grain of rice was ejected. So we are lost in the maize again. Constantly coming up against dead ends. My poor darling is now in bed exhausted. Now I keep getting flash backs of her GP's face as we left the surgery. I looked over my shoulder just before closing the surgery door and the expression of hopelessness and sadness was written all over his face bless him, as I whispered  a sincere 'Thank you.' 

Geoff x