about to start Folfirinox chemo

  • 7 replies
  • 24 subscribers

after a lengthy investigation period I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I had a whipples procedure about 7 weeks ago which in itself was quite successful. part of the pancreas was removed and luckily I had no pain after the operation just a bit of discomfort and some very irregular bowel movements

my oncologist has recommended folfirinox chemo as to quote her she considers me young enough and fit enough for this more aggressive type of treatment [ I am 69 by the way ]

this treatment has not been tried in my area before although I am told in other parts of the country the clinical results have been quite encouraging.

has anyone any experience of this procedure? also what to take with me to the treatment sessions?


  • FormerMember

    Hi kevatvinegarhill wow that’s quite a name. Sorry I can’t help as my experience of PC doesn’t include the whipples or folfirinox. I just wanted to say hello and welcome to the community. I’m sure someone will be along soon that can help. Best wishes x

  • Hi Kevatvinegarhill 

    Just to echo Splodge s welcome.

    My husband had a Whipple and also Folfirinox. Sadly, the Whipple probably didn’t get all the cancer out and it returned. I’m sure things will be much better for you.

    in this instance Folfirinox is given as an adjuvant treatment to mop up any stray cells. The use of Folfirinox is relatively new and it’s interesting that you say it’s not been tried in your part of the country. I think it’s in quite common use now.

    One thing I have learned from the forums is that chemo can have different side effects for different people so I won’t attempt to comment.

    My husband spent about six or seven hours on the ward on chemo days. Folfirinox is quite a slow process of infusion. You have probably been told that you will have a PICC or Hickman line fitted. After the hospital infusion you then wear a bag that infuses for another 44 hours or so.

    Check if your ward provides any food whilst you are there. If not take some with you. You’ll also need something to keep you occupied for the time you are there. Books or music or whatever.

    i hope this helps. Feel free to ask questions here.


  • Hi Squeaky

    thanks for the welcome

    we , Sharon and I , have another appointment with the oncologist on Wednesday really to make sure we know what we're doing and to run through exactly what will be happening.

    thanks for the advice about  what to take.

    as to side effects we'll see what chemo throws at us although you are right to point out different people different outcomes.

    speak to you soon


  • Hello Splodge

    thanks for the welcome. sorry to so long getting back to you but I have been very pleasantly to the response I have received since joining the group. I have already had some useful feedback about folfirinox. 

    sorry about the user name. I was going through some old photos and vinegar hill in Eire holds plenty of holiday memories from years ago. if I can navigate around the site I'll come up with something less wieldy

    best wishes


  • Hello Kevin

    Don't worry about your user name. we will just call you Kevin!


  • Hello Squeaky

    further to your post on the 19th we had another meeting with the oncologist yesterday.

    She is very confident I have made the right decision for folfirinox although as we all know nothing is guaranteed. she also spent a lot of time going through , one by one , the possible side effects and whilst some of them she considers to be of low risk she did stress that we were not be reluctant to use the emergency help lines if we had any concerns during the treatment. this has been very reassuring.

    thanks for your advice about what to take. my chemo starts next Thursday and I shall then get to know whether I've packed the right stuff. we have been told the daily process will be quite lengthy but I am sure in common with other hospitals chemo patients get free car parking , although I would stress I won't be driving. if all goes according to plan my 12 course treatment will be over at the end of October and I hope to be in a fit state to celebrate my 70th birthday in January.

    Kind Regards


  • Hi Kevin

    We found the emergency help line useful if there was a problem.

    Generally, the first infusion is slower as the irinotecan goes through slowly.

    i hope the day goes well.
