
  • 6 replies
  • 25 subscribers

I have two questions I hope you folks  can help me with.

1) It's been two weeks since our pharmacist told my wife Anne, who has pancreatic cancer,  that there is no Creon available at the moment because the only UK supplier is waiting for more stock to come in. Is anybody else finding a shortage? It's now the 9th May.

2) Is it safe to store Creon in the fridge during hot weather? 


  • Hello again Geoff

    It is a couple of months since you have been on here and I hope that your wife is doing OK.

    I am not up to date with the Creon situation. However, I thought that although the Creon in bigger capsules was in a bit of a short supply smaller capsules were available. There may be someone more up to date on here though.

    For storage my recollection was that it should be stored at room temperature. It think it has to be excessively hot for the Creon to be affected. I can’t give advice because I don’t know but storage in a fridge was not something we thought of and it’s certainly colder than room temperature!


  • Thanks Squeaky

    Anne my wife is now having digestive problems. Bloating and stomach pain which she was told yesterday by her dietician is a result of a Creon deficiency. So she is upping the dose. Interestingly she  also told Anne to avoid broccoli, cauliflower and I believe sprouts as they are renound for creating gas albeit they are very good nutritionally. One year ago Anne was given six to twelve months of life as she decided aged 71 an operation would be too traumatic for her because of multiple other problems involving her health. In any case her specialist said that it would probably only give her another 2 and a half to 3 years of life which Anne said most of which would result in a poor life style so she left nature to take its course. The 12 months is up now since her diagnosis and apart from the digestive problem she's doing OK

    Thanks again for your help. 

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Hi there, so far we are OK in Swansea regarding the supply of creon, don't know about storing it in the fridge 

    Love is eternal
  • Geoff

    I remember. you wrote before that Anne decided not to have the Whipple. I admire the way she has dealt with things and I hope that she continues to be in good form. Getting the Creon right just seems to be guesswork.


  • Thanks again Squeaky 

    Just had a phone call from Anne's Doctor in response to our request for more Creon to be added to her repeat prescription. He was astounded that she was still waiting for her top up Creon from the pharmacist two weeks on!  Interestingly  he phoned again about 30mins later saying he'd contacted the pharmasist who was able to inform that Annes Creon will arrive the same afternoon. Apparently there is only one  supplier serving the whole of the UK so if Creon is short every pharmasist gets affected. I can only assume that some pharmacists stock pile Creon, let's say Boots as a hypothetical example,  so they never have this problem whereby our chemist is a small outlet in comparison. But I'm just guessing.

    I'll keep you posted on Anne's progression 


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Hi Needing Friends

    Did some in-depth research and discovered that in some regions of Australia where it gets extremely hot  Creon is often stored in people's fridges and without causing any problems. Learning all the time.

    Thanks for responding to my post.

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.