recurring PC

  • 12 replies
  • 24 subscribers

Hi all

Hope everyone here is well and doing as best they can!

My dad had the whipple procedure a couple of years ago, followed by folfirinox chemo and has done remarkably well ever since.

However, its now returned, in his para-aortic lymph nodes and a spot on his lung. (he also has kidney cancer though this remains stable)

He has started abraxane and gemzar chemo and is currently the same old dad- walking miles, gardening and feeling ok. No symptoms or side effects.

He is a fit and active 65 year old and now being told he has months rather than years has totally knocked him for six.

Anyone else been in this situation- with a similar recurrance and prognosis, or has a family member going through/ gone through this...?

What can we expect going forward please, in terms of managing symptoms, longevity etc...

Thanks xx

  • Hi Bexs38

    This is a difficult time. I think you will be amazed at how much strength you have to get through the situation. There are always breakthroughs in cancer treatment but PC really hasn't progressed in the last 20 or so years with improvements to treatments.

    You are dealing with this very well. All cancers are horrible but PC is particularly evil.


  • We know that at some stage going forward, he will become more unwell and the chemo will only do so much. Pancreatic cancer really is a basta*d frankly.

    He was told months, as opposed to years a few months ago- but that could mean anything really, plus Dad buries his head in the sand and won't ask questions. I know that's his coping mechanism- but I find it hard when things are so up in the air as it raises so many concerns and questions that just go on and on. Its on my mind constantly and as much as I try to focus on other things, its always there nagging!

    Bex38, you do sound in a similar situation. Its hard to be 'normal' as of course it plays on your mind and there are always unanswered questions.

    Does he family accept the long term prognosis or do they think all will be well?

    It does seem hard to get your around it, esp if they seem to be doing relatively ok.