Having ovaries removed next week

  • 8 replies
  • 55 subscribers

Hi, I'm having surgery next week to remove the left ovary with a 3cm mass and the right ovary has a suspect cyst so removal of both ovaries.

I had right side breast cancer, S3 G3, inflammatory HER2 in 2008, adjuvant chemo for 8cm mass, followed by mastectomy and radiotherapy in 2009. Herceptin for 18 months.

I then developed a low grade tumour in left breast, had radiotherapy and tamoxifen for 5 years.

Now this. 64 years old, and worried sick.

I live in France so hope it's OK to seek help from a British site. I am British and lived in France for 19 years so all my treatment has been here.

Thank you for any advice or help

  • Hi

    I haven't had the surgery you'll be having next week but I noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet. Responding to you will 'bump' your post back to the top of the discussion list where hopefully someone who has had this surgery will see it and respond.

    There is no problem with the fact that you live in France but you just need to bear in mind that treatments may differ.

    Wishing you all the best


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Just an update.   I was shocked to learn that just before surgery the surgeon came to see me, to say that the left ovary definitely had cancer and seemed to have infiltrated the sigmoid colon. She said she would look during surgery and if it confirmed what she suspected she wouldn't be able to remove the left ovary because it would need further surgery to resect the colon.

    She confirmed after the op she only took away the right ovary and fallopian tube.

    My next appointment is on 29/9. Until then I am sick with worry if this is now a serious stage, what treatment I will need, especially chemo again.  Is it a secondary to breast cancer or a new cancer.

    I know no one can answer but appreciate any suggested questions I can ask for my next visit. Many heads together! 

  • Morning I had a resection it's when they cut out the affected bit and sew it back together. I was advised it may result in a temporary colostomy but in the end I didn't need one. 10 weeks post op I drove me and the dog to Wales for a 5 day beach holiday. I don't know how long I was in theatre but I was out of bed the next day be it very slowly. Let us know how it all pans out. 

  • Hi

    That must have been very disappointing and upsetting to come round from the operation to find that the planned surgery wasn't able to go ahead.

    Hopefully you'll have plenty of time at your appointment in a couple of weeks time to find out what happens next. You might find these suggested questions to ask your health team helpful. Although they're generic you can pick out the ones you feel are relevant to you.

    Wishing you all the best


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi me again

    So many thoughts & questions, I've tried contacting my team, but so far no answers.

    If my right ovary, only a suspicious cyst proves not cancerous, but they biopsy, will this give type etc of cancerous mass on left ovary, which wasn't biopsied?  Could the 2 ovaries be different? 

    How can a mass, only 37mm, already have spread outside the ovary, against sigmoid? Can each ovary have a different cancer, like my 2 breasts had?

    Can doctors diagnose cancer from just an MRI or laparoscopic view?

    I'm still waiting for results of all the pathology, and going mad with not knowing results. I'm not a very patient person sadly.

    I remember from previous cancers that knowing what is what helps, and having a treatment plan helps too.

    I'm in limbo Thinking

  • Hi me again

    So many thoughts & questions, I've tried contacting my team, but so far no answers.

    If my right ovary, only a suspicious cyst proves not cancerous, but they biopsy, will this give type etc of cancerous mass on left ovary, which wasn't biopsied?  Could the 2 ovaries be different? 

    How can a mass, only 37mm, already have spread outside the ovary, against sigmoid? Can each ovary have a different cancer, like my 2 breasts had?

    Can doctors diagnose cancer from just an MRI or laparoscopic view?

    I'm still waiting for results of all the pathology, and going mad with not knowing results. I'm not a very patient person sadly.

    I remember from previous cancers that knowing what is what helps, and having a treatment plan helps too.

    I'm in limbo Thinking

  • I've seen my surgeon today. I have high grade serous epithelial cancer in both ovaries.

    A debulking op is planned in the next 3 weeks. Scar from sternum to pelvis. They will check other areas for nodules and resect the bowel.  6 rounds of chemo will follow. This is not related to previous breast cancer, a 3rd new & different cancer.

    I'm truly scared, am I too late for a successful outcome.

  • Anyone else had/have this?