Newly diagnosed

  • 2 replies
  • 21 subscribers


i was recently diagnosed with Myelofibrosis so am at the early stage of anxiety of what the future holds for me 

  • H again  and well done navigating across to the group.

    Let's look for the members with this condition to pick up on your post and do look through all the group threads (hit the group name and scroll down) and as always you can hit reply to any post.

    Alway around to help out as best as I can.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hello Discover,

    I would think your doctor the best place to ask questions, and to use this forum to tell of your experience with the disease and for support.  I was diagnosed with MF January 2020. For most of that time I have been asymptotic, but now the fibrosis is stepping up.

    You may be a candidate for a stem cell transplant, again your doctor would advise you there. It’s not all doom an gloom, many people live active lives.