Treatment Day 1

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  • 38 subscribers

Well I'm in it now no going back! Pre-treatment meeting and consents (do I really want all the chemicals and side effects NO but its do something or presumably get progressively worsening symptoms). Heres hoping for a lengthy remission but I'm 69 and had a pretty good life to date some ups and downs so hope for the best and take it day by day as it comes. Treatment team and ambiance in Centre good. I  didnt know if I'd throw up straight away I had Velcade injection, later on when I ate etc. Thalidamide in evening and steroids to start tomorrow. Bonus I've had at least a days grace, still feel normal and been able to eat, sort and label meds, emergency card etc so I'm prepared when I'm not up to anything. The apple and pear blossom opening, birds singing', trees in bud keep positive.