
  • 3 replies
  • 39 subscribers

Hi all.


I am having my 3rd MRI, and my 2nd full body skeletal x ray this afternoon. 

I am scared as I hate having MRI's done. 

Is it ok to take a tablet to relax yourself?

Also I have my 3rd Bone Marrow Biopsy on Thursday and very nervous about that to.

I am due to start treatment once the Dr has all the results in a couple of weeks. I have been getting bad back and hip pain so I knew treatment would start soon  but so nervous about the unknown. 

Any replies welcome Pray 

Thank you in advance xx

  • Hi Kezzie,

    I am guessing you have had the MRI and body skeletal X ray by now and I hope they all went ok. I have never taken a tablet to relax myself before those procedures but there is no harm in asking the medical teams what they think. I always found deep breathing helpful in managing anxiety most of the time, but had to resort to diazepam when things got bad when I was an in patient for a while. My view is you’ve got to do what you need to do in order to get through and try to have it in your mind that everything is temporary. Yes, you’ll likely have to do some unpleasant things but they’re a necessary evil to get you better and those difficult times can’t and won’t last forever.

    Wishing you all the very best


  • Hi Gregg.

    I had my x rays done and then was told that the MRI machine had broken down, so going back for my bone marrow biopsy on Thursday and the MRI on Saturday. 

    I know the things we have done aren't very nice, but I always tell myself its for my benefit, and it all needs to be done.



  • Hi Kerry, we or should I say my wife are 5mths in. We got a shock as we believed that we would be scooped up and put in a safe place when in reality we were sent for heart scans,dental checks and pelvic scan and that was definitely the most invasive! This was also the very start of the pandemic so we were literally on our own as on reflection no treatment would start till they have all the information.

    Well, here we are 5mths in as I said and things are looking brighter. 
    gregg was such a massive support as lots of times I’d be crying whilst asking him if for help/information.

    for my wife she suffered deformity of her back and you can imagine the tremendous pain she suffered and continues sickness.

    pleased to say that’s all gone and now her pain has subsided so much she no longer needs morphine!

    course the fight and tablets go on,I just heard that we are “dormant” which is not the same as remission but hey we’ll take that and run.

    You know how people say the cure is worse than the disease and that was the same for us but now we have hope and I’d love that for you as well.

    stick in there and make yourself better but as gregg told us,it’s a marathon but your body learns to cope and you manage.

    lots of love john & anita xx