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Hi, I'm new here. My name is Fiona, 38 from Glasgow. I had my mole biopsy 2 weeks ago and was told at the time 6 to 10 weeks for results but that has now has changed to 14 to 16 weeks and I'm a nervous wreck. I know the mole was showing all the signs and have a gut feeling that it will come back as melanoma as there has been so much change in the past year. I now have a lump in my breast around the area of the lymph nodes and I am terrified it is spreading, long shot I know but still possible. 

My question is does anyone know of a scan I can get (I'm willing to pay privately) to show that where the mole was removed, does it shows any spread of cancer? I can't wait 4 months to find out what is going on, I feel that's too long if there's a chance it's melanoma.

  • Hi I think that is a long time to wait I got my results within a week and a half which was melanoma. I was sent for scans after results mine ended up being stage 3a which now have no evidence of disease now. I would see if you can chase it up if you can. Waiting that length of time is stressing.

  • Hi Miss Mole, thanks for replying. Can I ask how long ago you waited on results for initial biopsy? I was already stressed with 6 to 10 weeks but the 14 to 16 I just can't wait that long, I phoned yesterday on the 2 week mark just to check if they were back and this is when I was told the longer wait, I'll phone every week and ask, I hope they come back early. Sorry to hear you were diagnosed with 3a, how are you now? Does no evidence of disease mean you are cured? Do you mind me asking what scan you had to show this, I'm thinking of booking one privately to see if i can get some answers. Thanks again, Fiona 

  • That’s a long time. I’ve found that phoning the consultants secretary direct might help you get answers quicker. Good luck x

  • I thought that too, it was the secretary I spoke to and I said it's an urgent referral and she said I don't know why it's so long and that it isn't usually as bad. I'll call them again next Tuesday and see if there's any news. Thanks for the advice x

  • Hi I had the biopsy  end of June 2023 then results at beginning of July then sent for body ct scan and mri head these scans were done to check it had spread  to body. Then I had a wide local excision and sentinel lymph node biopsy and had a skin graft it was on side of foot just below ankle. I had 6 lymph nodes taken from groin 3 were positive with microscopic cells. I'm OK now thank you. I did start on treatment to give it less chance of coming back but only done 4 months due to side affects and found thyroid cancer which i had a my thyroid  removed. I'm in clear now have scans every 6 months for melanoma  and skin checks every 3 for the next 5 years. Have a look on  melanoma focus it tells you everything on there. I know its worrying but there is a lot of treatment now. Like you I was so worried. I live in the east of county near London. Maybe different waiting times. My lymph node biopsy took 8 weeks to get results. 

  • Also I have head scan tomorrow if that's OK I will be discharged from oncology(cancer doctor). As not having treatment  because of side affects does not benefit and only a small chance of coming back. I would of thought if you had bad results it would come back quicker.

  • Thanks so much for all the information, it helps knowing what to expect and what scans to get. I might go ahead and book a private MRI and CT scan if the biopsy results are going to take so long. The not knowing is brutal. That's horrific you had a second cancer too, you sound like you've been through it, so happy to hear you are clear of both and the check ups will hopefully keeping your mind at ease for the future. I think there really needs to be more awareness of melanoma, scary how something so small can be so dangerous. Thanks so much for all of your advice and good luck tomorrow, hope you get some good news x

  • That's OK when I got diagnosed the dermatologist did not give me much information. I was so worried and I was looking on wrong sites. Keep me updated on how you get on or if you need any more information.

  • Thank you so much, I'll keep you posted. I have the breast clinic on Saturday for my lump so I'm hoping they can tell me something. Speak soon x