PEMBRO side effects ?

  • 8 replies
  • 73 subscribers

I am Richard T 

I joined the community today and this is my first post.I am feeling good and  very positive about the future

I  have a 4.5mm invasive  nodular malignant  melanoma with  ulceration and mitoses stage  2c  diagnosed  in May 24

 Started Pembro 6 weeks ago ( 6 week cycle) and had 2nd dose yesterday.

What  side effects are people having ?.

Do side effects increase with successive doses.

So far I seem to be  very lucky as only having   skin rashes,eczema, and very itchy skin. Oh and I am thinking of getting shares in a well know brand that has a puppy in their advertisement.!

 I am  showering with Dermol and using Epaderm in addition to  E45  but  still scratching ever hour or so. 

Any advice thanks very much . Does anyone use anything that works well to reduce constant itching. ?

Thanks You 


  • Hi Richard

    Seems like we are at a similar stage in our treatment - I had my second Pembro infusion two weeks ago. Sorry you are getting some side effects but you are right to be positive! I had just a few days of fatigue and headaches after the first cycle. Second cycle I am getting muscle aches, like you get if you go to the gym for the first time in ten years Smirk. And my thyroid has been knackered so I’m on levothyroxine for the rest of my life. No skin issues so far, nor toilet issues. My consultant told me side effects may get more pronounced after the second and third cycles as the toxicity builds up, then they should subside. Sorry I can’t help with your skin reaction - seems like it has very different effects on people. Hope someone else can give you some helpful tips.


  • Hi Claire 

    Thanks for this reply also much appreciate it .My oncologist thinks it may be the same minimum effects  for me after the second and subsequent Pembro I guess they don’t really know as everyone is different and some are more cautious than others . Main thing I think is to keep as fit as you can and feed the body with good food . I have started with protein powder mixed with frozen fruit or vedge    and seeds/ nuts almond milk  or yogurt and  sometimes oats  to feed my body like what   the  body builders do . Find it gives me more umph .!

    Hope the thyroid stabilises  you and your journey for the next 12 months goes  well .

    Keep positive and surround yourself with positive people is my mantra .!

    If I can help with anything in return just ask 

    all the best and thanks agein


  • Thanks, Richard. Eating well is definitely a good strategy - I am trying to do that too.

    All the best and keep in touch!

  • Hi Richard 

    great to see how upbeat you are, well done & keep it going.

    i am also suffering with skin rash itching & vitiligo

    ive got prescription steroid cream & spray from my oncology team 

    they are emovate cream & enstilar spray which both work very well for me 

    hope this helps 

    all the best 

    Alli x

  • Hi 

    So sorry your going through this. I can't  offer much help I afraid as only had 2 treatments and had to stop as side effects were too much and made me very unwell. Skin irritation was the easiest to deal with. Oilatum baths and lots of Aveemo cream,heavy duty antihistamine.  All prescribed.

    My bowels were a different matter,suffered alot of problems for about 8 months. 

    I wish you well 

  • Hi Balfazar

    Thanks will  go to Dermatology in the hospital and ask them to prescribe Aveemo cream .  I have started   antihistamine  today thanks.  Sorry you had such problems  and hope things work out for you

    All the best


  • Hi Alli

    Thanks for the feedback

    I will ask about Emovate and Enstilar spray. thanks very much 

    I am using Dermol to shower with with and covering myself with Epaderm which helps but not resolve.

    I am wating for the results of the last 2 biopsies and say to the nurses and  Drs "better out than in"  and  just add to the collection of scars . At 69 I am hardly likely to start  a modelling career. ! .. My glass  is always half full. I look at things and say as 50 % of the UK population will be diagnosed  with some sort of cancer in their lifetime I have had a good run so far. I also think that I am  very lucky they have found it and getting treatment to sort and ongoing monitoring . May have a rough year but it is only a year so rest is going to be great. Planning  now  our holidays for 2026. !

    Hope things work out well for you and always  hope for the best.


  • I was prescribed Fexofenidine 180mg. Fabulous. Good luck