New to the forum, start Dab/Tram in a week, any advice?

  • 22 replies
  • 77 subscribers

Hi everyone, I had a mole removed in Feb 2023, turned out to be malignant, had section taken out July 2023 and SLNB found evidence of spread to lymph node. Went on monthly adjutant Nivo, all scans clear. Felt like i was in a reasonably good place. Noticed a lump on my neck 2 or 3 months ago, had CT scan then MRI scan of liver shows 2 masses. Oncoligist made the news sound grave. I am going to go on Dab/Tram. Is anyone able to report good progress on these please? Also, do they completely knock you out or will I be able to carry on working. I have an easy desk job which i would like to continue. I feel so stressed and anxious all the time now.

  • Hi PK1

    Great news about your husband.  I am just three weeks in on the DAB/Tram cocktail.  So far no problems with it at all and I too have Stage 4 melanoma and also work in construction funny enough.  

    Hopefully your husbands journey continues to be as successful.  I do agree that having a positive mindset and having good people/support around you is a great bonus.  My work colleagues have been excellent.

    One day at a time is my outlook. 

  • Hi Paul, I have blood tests every 4 weeks to check that everything is OK before they will issue my next 4 weeks worth of drugs.  If they are unsure of anything they speak to my consultant to see if she is happy for the next month of treatment to go ahead.  I have just had 3 days of radiotherapy which meant a 9 day break in the dab and tram.  I do get side effects from the d &t but as time goes on they do seem to be getting less.  My understanding is that they will continue treatment all the time I can tolerate the side effects and the cancer is either stable or reducing in size.  I do worry what the effect of such a break is though.  I have an appt with Consultant next Thursday and aim to get some specific answers then.