
  • 2 replies
  • 75 subscribers

Hi All,

I have recently been diagnosed as Stage 3c Melanoma. Had 4 excisions, first biopsy result, CT Scan and MRI Scan and awaiting further results. Any advice welcome on how to deal with the news and anxiety while waiting for results.

  • Hi Ice55,

    I can only relate my own experience. In early 2020 I received the same 3C diagnosis and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I asked my surgeon if this was a death sentence, as I am from an older generation and I always heard the worst about melanoma survival rates. As I remember, his reply was, "No, there are effective treatments now, but 5 years ago we would be having a much different conversation".

    I received the one-year immunotherapy regimen and I am now 3 years cancer-free. My advice to you would be to have faith in the medical process and do everything within your power to stay healthy, fit and rested in order to help your body receive maximum effectiveness from your treatments. Do not google anything about melanoma survival rates as these statistics are outdated and do not reflect the many advancements made in the treatment of this disease. Stay as positive as possible.

    I post here fairly often because I remember how scared and freaked-out I was after my initial diagnosis and I do want to reassure others that successful treatment is not only possible but becoming more common daily.

    Take care. I wish you all the best, one day at a time.


  • Hi Dave, thank you for taking the time to reply to me and providing some much needed positive support. I too am from an older generation and work full time. My wife and I are concerned about the effects that immunotherapy may have on my ability to continue working, at least in the short term while having treatment, but I am guessing the side effects are different for each person. As you say, one day at a time, need the scan results first!

    All the very best to you too!