Recently diagnosed

  • 5 replies
  • 75 subscribers

Hi everyone, I have been recently diagnosed with a stage 1 melanoma. 
I have had the mole removed and I am now waiting for  A WLE. 
some days I seem to be calm about everything and can put it all to be side and other days it’s constantly on my mind and affecting my sleep .

i feel very stressed and worried and I am finding it difficult to concentrate at work . Life had become very stressful before this diagnosis with my mother passing away earlier in the year and being responsible for dealing with her affairs which are ongoing. Also my mother in law had a stroke and has had to move to a care home so my husband and I have had her affairs to deal with also .
move also recently discovered that my daughter has been in an abusive relationship which is concerning me greatly 


  • Hi Mishy,

    I'm really sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis as well as all the sad and difficult things you're currently going through. My husband was diagnosed at 1a last month and I have found this group so helpful, supportive and reassuring as i know there are days that the thought of cancer can be overwhelming. He had his WLE just over two weeks ago and got clear results a few days ago. The procedure was fine and he was back to work a few days later (probably too early, but he won't be told). Last wk he had a biopsy on lymph nodes as they are enlarged, just waiting for results. He's very good at burying his head in the sand. I have found comfort in talking about it and reading stories from people who have experienced it. Then, I find it easier to put it in a box and throw myself into every day life, especially trying to focus on the simple pleasures. Trying to find positives, no matter how tiny has really helped me. I hope it can for you too. 

  • Hi Chocandchrese, 

    thank you so much for encouragement and kind words . It feels a bit of a bombshell at the moment . I just want to get the WLE over and done wit now .

  • I don't blame you. After the initial shock, we felt we after at the stage of, 'right, let's just get this done.' Waiting for appointments or results is just the worst, but once you realise it's out of your hands we've tried to channel our energy into being positive and keeping busy. 

  • Hi there, I have (or should I say had) stage 1a on my ankle. I’ve  my whole journey detailed on my profile if you feel like reading it. Perhaps it will put you at ease. I can honestly say the WLE done was a walk in the park and nothing to fret about at all. Sending you positive vibes :-)

  • Hi Factor 50,

    I have read your bio and it is a very familiar story, i just like you have been a sun worshipper and adore sunny holidays and used sun beds in my 20 and thirties, how i wish i knew then what i know now.

    I had my WLE on 4th December as at diagnosis of the first mole removal as melanoma and a full body check at the appointment revealed another small mole which put me on the two week pathway again. The small mole and the WLE were done at the same time. Its all healed nicely and i have a follow up check over in May. The worst part was waiting for the results, i contacted my key worker just before Christmas and she gave the good news that all was clear! I had been fretting waiting for a letter so i am glad she was able to tell me.

    As my red headed niece said "welcome to the shade seekers factor 50 club" I am definitely a fully fledged member from now on .

    Wishing you positive vibes too and a speedy recovery  ! Don't go bursting anything this time !