Wle and slnb

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  • 70 subscribers

Hi everyone I  am waiting to have  a wle and slnb. My melanoma is stage 2 at moment its has a breslow of 2mm and 0 mitoses not sure what mitoses is. I have had a mri head scan and ct scan waiting on results for those. Saw a consultation surgeon and specialist nurse they are very nice. Now on the urgent waiting list for the wle and slnb. The hardest part is the waiting and waiting for results.

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    I'm sorry to read that you've recently been diagnosed with melanoma and I completely agree that the hardest part is waiting for treatment and then the results.

    I've had both a WLE and SLNB so I'm happy to answer any questions you might have about the procedures and/or share my experience with you.

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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • How long are you asleep for when you have wle and slnb and small graft 

  • By 'asleep' I presume you mean under the affects of the general anaesthetic?

    I don't remember exactly, as it was 6 years ago when I had mine, but an hour or so I think. I didn't need a skin graft so just the WLE and SLNB for me. However, with a GA you don't know how long you're out for, it just feels like seconds, as one second you're thinking "this anaesthetic isn't making me feel sleepy" and the next second you're waking up Slight smile

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • How did you feel when you woke up sorry for all questions just a bit worried about it.

  • Very hungry! I wasn't allowed to eat after my evening meal the day before so when I was finally able to sit up and eat it was the middle of the afternoon and I was starving. Mind you that was good as they basically don't let you go until you can prove that you can eat something and spend a penny!

    As for my wounds, they just felt a bit sore for a few days but nothing that paracetamol and ibuprofen couldn't keep on top of.

    Don't worry about asking questions, I wish I'd known about this group before I had my operation as I'd never had a GA and was worried about it.

    I can honestly say thought that being nervous about it beforehand was far worse than the actual operation and recovery.

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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Thank you for reply it has been helpful I  just not used to going to hospital.

    • Hi I am due to have wle and slnb in mid January under epidural as I have bad asthma. How did you find the procedures. I have just had 1b melanoma removed from the bottom of my foot and am dreading the nuclear X-ray. I’m really anxious at the moment
  • Hi  

    The nuclear x-ray is nothing to worry about. It was probably the easiest part of the whole procedure.

    When I had mine the radioactive dye was injected as close as possible to the original site of the melanoma. Like most injections this stung a little.

    Then I lay on my back on a couch while a small machine was positioned over my upper body scanning to see which lymph node picked up the dye.

    There was music on in the background and the whole experience was quite relaxing. I don't remember the machine making any noise and there was a nurse with me the whole time as she was monitoring the machine. 

    I can't remember exactly how long I was in there for, as it was nearly 7 years ago now, but I think it was about an hour.

    Please feel free to ask any further questions


    PS. I was warned that my urine would be blue for about 24 hours as the coloured dye passed through, and it was!

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi Potter 

    The x ray was OK apart from when they put needle in melanoma it did sting. Unfortunately my slnb results were positive. I had six taken out of my right groin and 3 were positive. And I'm braf positive  so I'm now on targeted drugs to stop it coming back as I'm in the clear at moment. I'm on dabrafenib and trametinib which so far no major side effects.

  • Hi Potte. I hope you don't mind me jumping in but I also have had a 1B melanoma diagnosis (on my ankle) and had my nuclear x-ray on Monday and my WLE and SLNB YESTERDAY!!! 

    The x-ray was exactly as Anne described. The dye is injected very slowly so is a little uncomfortable but I used breathing exercises and it was nothing I couldn't handle.  The actual scan was SO fascinating. The machine was massive - looked very similar to an MRI scanner.  I didn't get music but I was mesmerised by it all. It took about 45 mins and I was fully dressed throughout.

    Interesting that you're having your WLE and SLNB by epidural - how do you feel about that? I had a general.  It all went well but I think I had a bit of a reaction to the general as instead of the lovely sleep after I cried all afternoon. Just overwhelm I think. I have a lot of blue paint on my leg which the surgeon says will be around for up to 4 months so I can really say I'm blue inside and out!  He ended up using staples as he was hoping not to do a skin graft but wasn't able to get away with just stitches. I'm to keep the same dressing on throughout and he's notified me of issues that could happen around my groin. He wants to see me in 2 weeks for follow up and removal. 

    I hope this is helpful but please do shout if you have any further questions.  I'm not going to say don't worry - that's impossible but I'm glad to have found the whole thing has been ok.