Weird needle pain/feeling in the arm

  • 2 replies
  • 58 subscribers


I had a WLE and lymph node biopsy 7 months ago. Luckily, all clear and the recovery was quite good with little pain and no lymphedema. However, I had lot of numbness feel and tingling that eventually got better. Only sometimes I feel some weirdness in the arm. I exercise almost every day, mixing running and weight lifting. Yesterday,after a long run my arm was in quite lot of pain,and it hurt a lot when I touched it. It got better after massaging for couple of minutes,but it was a bit scary at first. No edema was visible,so I'm not sure why that weird pain came up.

Has anyone had an episode like this? 

Would anyone recommend using arm sleeves when exercising?

Thanks a lot!! Pray Blush 

  • Hi  

    Like you, I had a lot of numbness and tingling around the WLE area that in time went. However, I have never had the pain which you describe.

    If you haven't already, it might be an idea to give your SCNS a call and talk this through with them. They will be best placed to advise you if you need to take any precautions when exercising.

    Do come back and let us know what they say as it'll be useful for anyone else in future who experiences the same thing.

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  • Hi,

    Thanks for your reply. Yes, I will consult with the nurse. Luckily, I have a follow up appointment this Friday BlushPray