Painful Swelling after Sentinel Biopsy

  • 5 replies
  • 59 subscribers

Hello everyone,

It's been 9 days postop from the WLE and Sentinel biopsy (2 nodes taken out)

First days were quite OK, just took some paracetamol and felt fine.

On Monday,  5 days post op, I started having pain and swelling under the armpit, on where the lymph nodes were removed.

I went to see the nurse on Tuesday, told me everything looks fine and explained about he fluid that can be there, but she is not concerned as there is no sign of infection.

The thing is that is very painful, and I feel the pain is traveling towards the back.

I m having a hard time with this and I don't know what to do.

Has anyone experience something similar and could give some advise on how I can reduce this swelling and pain? Might be a seroma?

Thank you

  • Hi  

    How's the pain and the swelling today? If it's no better, I'd speak to your skin cancer nurse specialist again if only to put your mind at rest.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hey  

    Today is a bit better, I put some warm pads, and it helped a lot.

    It still swallen, but doesn't hurt that much.

    The nurse told me on Tuesday that is normal, and doesn't look like an infection but is the liquid that filled in the cavity where they removed the lymph node, that's why I was thinking might be a seroma.

    I m having the stitches removed next Wednesday, I hope by then it will be even better.

    How was the recovery for you?

    Thank you

  • That's good to hear that things seem to be improving and you'll get the chance for it to be looked at again next week.

    I was fortunate that I didn't suffer from any real pain or swelling and both my SLNB and WLE sites had calmed down by the time I went for my check-up and results a fortnight later.

    Do you have a date for your results yet?

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • So good that you didn't had any pain! Very happy for you! 

    I have the doctor appoitment next Friday, where we will check the results of the WLS and Sentinel node.

    I did already CT scans , and all results were clean, very happy for that Slight smile

    I m keeping optimistic, and hope the swelling will go away fast also.

    I ll keep you posted when I get the results.

    Thank you

  • I’ve been referred to an lymphoedema clinic.