Feel like it never ending

  • 5 replies
  • 60 subscribers

Hi all I feel like a moan, got diagnosed with  melanoma stage 1 in  2017. Then with stage 3 2021 went through one year of targeted therapy. Then in 2023 it went to stage 4, I’m a year into a two year plan of immunotherapy. My latest scan should the lymph nodes in my groin have increased by 5mm since last scan. I did have some lymph nodes removed on the same side in 2021. Got an appointment with oncology in 7 days to see what the next step is. Do they stop treatment and try something else. Or take more lymph nodes out. Just feel like it never  ending. Moan finished good health everyone

  • PeterG2,

    I'm really sorry to hear this. Thanks for sharing your experience. It is definitely legitimate to express yourself about this: it's very welcome here on this forum.

    I'm also Stage 4. It's been a year since my diagnosis. I was first diagnosed with Stage 3 in Nov 2019. I'm a year into Ipi/Nivo + then just Nivo.  Although as far as I know my tumours are stable for now, my consultant mentioned that in the event of tumour growth in a lymph node, they would indeed want to remove the lymph node if it was in a place they could get to. I hope this happens for you. Keep us updated.


  • I feel like this and I have ony had a diagnosis since February...

  • Hi PeterG2 

    Feel free to moan, I feel like that’s my middle name - this whole thing is so “up and down” isn’t it. I had 3 treatments of Ipi/Nivo last year but it had to be stopped due to side effects (deranged liver function and neuropathy) So I’ve been on targeted tablets Enco/Bini since and have just heard that my latest scan was stable, 3rd in a row.  So yes, there are other options which may or not include lymph node removal, depends on your individual case. Wishing you good luck with your next steps x

  • Hi there. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I have ALM, since 2022.  It spread to my right groin lymph nodes too. 2023, I had 21 deep nodes removed. 8 weeks ago, after scan showed positive in superficial lymph nodes & had the remaining 11 nodes removed.  I was thinking “ok melanoma, I’ve taken away all your lymph nodes to spread to”. This week, scan shows metastasis to lung, abdominal wall & intestines.  Now at stage 4 too. 
    the surgeries to remove all those nodes weren’t easy recoveries. I took a whole 6 weeks both times. 
    I hope great success for you!! Keep us posted. 

  • Nothing wrong with a good moan every now and then, I think it’s healthy to let it out and was one of the reasons I joined this community (today!), so I was able to be honest. My stage 1b was 6 years ago and after thinking I was fine and just need to get the odd bit zapped off my skin every year, was diagnosed as Stage 4 in March this year. I’m on immunotherapy and apart from the fatigue, which I was experiencing anyway, seem to be boxing on. It’s the uncertainty that does my head in. I’m fine most of the time, a great one for seeing the silver lining but every now and then it hits me that my life has irrevocably changed. Good health back at you