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Hi all I’ve got Nodular Melanoma Stage 2B I had my WLE and SLNB on the 16th April , but I can honestly say I’m feeling worse now in the last week so exhausted and just a lack of interest in everything. Does anyone know if this can be linked to the diagnosis x

  • Hi  

    I don't know if how you're feeling could be linked physically to your diagnosis but maybe the stress of everything is making you feel exhausted and lacking in interest. When recovering from surgery I've always found if I try and do some gentle walking as soon as I feel physically able.

    Do you have a date for getting your results?

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • I understand how your feeling I also had snlb & wle on march 28th … I think with me it was all the anxiety of the diagnosis & & because my tumour was on my thigh I was limited in movement so got fed up , had no interest in anything or doing anything..after first 10 days it got easier … try to get out & walk pop earphones in & just go I find it’s great for your head ..maybe meet a friend for coffee someone who won’t interrogate you! It’s nice to feel normal & not have to talk about your diagnosis or treatment etc etc 

    I contacted my specialist cancer nurse & she recommended visiting the oncology unit where I will be having treatment it was daunting but so glad I went met others in the same boat as myself & some really kind oncology nurses who were able to provide emotional support . If this is not available to you speak to your gp or specialist nurse for advice on where you can access emotional support… let’s be honest we’re in a shot situation 

    even tho it’s hard keep the chin up & let those emotions out cry, scream or just talk it out whatever works for you 

    Alli x

  • Hi all just a question, I’ve had my WLE and SLNB in the 16th April results where due on 6th June but I got a phone call to come on Thursday. Also is a PET Scan and CT brain a normal procedure after the WLE .. thanks 

  • Hi Latchbrook

    I was called in early for my results 5-6 weeks is about correct. Yes PET and CT scan is normal as they will want to ensure no spread to organs.

    I am stage 2C nodular melanoma had WLE and SLNB in Jan results in Feb came back as clear. I had MRI and CT to check if any spread to organs they came back clear so was then referred to oncology and am doing a year of Pembro to reduce risk of reoccurrence.

  • Hi thanks for your quick reply.. I’m stage 2B nodular melanoma. Praying for a good outcome. Have you started your treatment yet x

  • Hi  

    I didn't have any scans after having my WLE and SLNB but that was 7 years ago now and protocols may have changed since then.

    I did have an appointment with the consultant to be given the results and he also checked the wounds at the same time.

    Let me know how you get on.

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi Liky,

    How are you still feeling with everything? Did you results from the WLE and SLNB came out?

    I did mine a week ago, i was pretty scared, but all went quite fast, now i m just having some soreness and the area on my shoulder and armpit is a bit swallen.

    How did the recovery from the surgery went for you? And for anyone else?

    1. What should I expect as recovery time :) I m very active and I feel I m just laying around doing nothing now.

    For the anxiety part, like latchbrook was saying, try to do some things that bring you pleasure, stay with friends,watch a movie.

    If you are into video games I m playing one now called Dave the diver, really kept my mind away from everything.

    Talking about what we are going through helps, just remember that this is just one situations happening in your life, but you still have much more of you than this.

    I am sending you all good vibes!

  • Hi MiciG, I’ve just had my results from my SLNB and WLE and traces of disease were found in the two SLN. I’m have a PET Scan on Thursday and a CT Brain on the 10th of June. 
    my recovery hasn’t been too bad I’ve abit of fluid in the groin. The wound itself is tender but healing well. My energy levels are low but I’m not sure if that’s the worry and stress. 
    Sorry to moan x