Recovery after WLE

  • 2 replies
  • 59 subscribers

I am 2 months post WLE on my right arm. I started to feel better a few weeks ago and returned to light exercise and doing more around the house. 

the last week I have been struggling with what feels a tightness in my arm (I’m guessing healing?) but also spasms / tingling/ pain when I try to massage around the scar or lift my arm Face palm tone2‍♀️ 

how long after WLE did people return to somewhat normality? I know the scar will take up to 2 years to heal but now I’m worried that something more significant is going on within the healing process 

  • Hi  

    I'm sorry to read that you're struggling with pain in the arm you had your WLE. 

    I had a WLE on my left arm and it probably took a couple of months before I was completely pain free, although the numb feeling around the scar took a long time to go. You say that it was only 2 months ago that you had your WLE so maybe just have a chat over the phone with your SCNS for reassurance, but I would think you'll start to notice an improvement soon, based on my experience.

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  • I was told that burning tingling  sensation was normal and that it should resolve itself. Hope this settles down soon but it is still early days for you. Good luck