Dad's itching side effects

  • 2 replies
  • 55 subscribers

Hi everyone.  My Dad has gone down to the single dose of Nivo for 2 years after receiving the double dose of nivo/ipi.

His thyroid is now under active and he is currently on medication for that.  He is absolutely wrecked, still no energy and has severe thrush in his mouth, everything burns in his mouth and throat when eating.  He also has very severe itching that seems to have got worse, he said that it feels like it is under the skin, every time that he scratches it he describes it aa stabbing hot pains! Has anyone else experienced this? He also has severe dehydration all the time! 

  • Hello gal2000,

    I’ve had 4 double treatments without any major side affects. I’m now on single dose for 2 years which is going ok but they want to check out shooting pains that I didn’t have before. I get tired very easily and that in itself can pull you down. I’ve had itching after the double dose but they prescribe cetrizine for it and it helps. If I miss a day the itching drives me crazy. Your dad’s itching sounds severe, do you have a cancer nurse to chat too? My cancer nurse got me sorted with a prescription for the itching and has referred me for a scan for the shooting pains.

    I hope you manage to get something sorted soon to ease his symptoms.

    I don’t know if my comparison helps but I wanted to reach out and let your you know my thoughts.

    take care


  • Hi, thank you so much for your response.  He does have a cancer nurse but unfortunately hasn't really had a huge amount of support. He has been on so many different different types of antihistamine tablets and creams, but nothing  seems to work. It is at it's worst theough the early hours. His while feel really tender. He describes it as someone sticking a needle in him. 

    He just got a scan on Monday, they scanned his whoke tummy area as well as his head, apparently the results get sent to Australia.  Really pray that we get some good news as he is really struggling. He said that he is feeling depressed and feels tremendous guilt for my Mum, as she does everything for him. My Mum wouldn't have it any other way! I Hope that you manage to get the pains sorted out that you have.