Fast track referral - Mole

  • 10 replies
  • 59 subscribers

Hello Blush

I’m just hoping for some advice/reassurance please.

Back in July I visited my GP for a mole on my neck and was advised it was fine. Last week I seen a dermatologist privately and he said it was atypical and would want to remove it. He said he doesn’t think it’s melanoma at this point but wants to do histology to be sure. I was going to do it via health insurance privately. My GP called me and said he’d do an urgent 2 week referral as it’s grown since I last seen him and advised I’d probably have it removed sooner via NHS than private (I have a private date booked in for 13th December). So I’ve agreed and he done the referral yesterday.

So my question really is from that point when do I get contacted? As I don’t want to cancel my private biopsy appointment if that one will be sooner. Also after the biopsy how long roughly until we get the results? Has anyone done private over NHS? 

I’m a complete mess as I’ve convinced myself I now have cancer and I’m going to die. Probably due to my auntie passing from Melanoma 10 years ago so now I have a fear of it. So since the appointment Ive cried every day  constantly checking my neck for lumps and then crying some more. I stare at my 2 year old daughter and cry again because I don’t ever want to leave her. This is such a horrible feeling! X 

  • Hi.  I don't know whether this will be helpful or not.  I initially got a mole on my face checked out at the end of July.  The gp referred me and as I have private healthcare I booked to see a consultant privately.  I had to wait 5 weeks for the appointment.  My gp told me if they were concerned I could have been seen on the NHS within 2 weeks.  When I finally saw the consultant, I mentioned a mole on my ankle and he was so concerned he wanted it off asap.  The earliest he could do it was the next day but in his NHS clinic.  The biopsy results took 5 weeks to come in on the NHS but I was told it was taking the same time privately as they are outsourcing all round.  Some people are being seen quickly on the NHS on this forum others are having to wait - it seems to be down to the department.

    I am so sorry for how you're feeling.  It must be really scary when a family member has already passed from it.  Hang on in there. x

  • Ah ok thank you! That is handy to know. I managed to see a dermatologist at Nuffield within a day of me calling however his soonest appointment for removal is the 13th December. He has advised it’s safe to wait that long. When i seen my GP to sign my claim form he advised I may get it removed sooner with the NHS. He done the referral yesterday but im unsure how long it takes for them to contact me to book it in. 

    I havent cancelled the private removal yet as im worried the NHS one wont come through before then. 

    It’s the wait time of the biopsy that scares me the most! 

    It’s honestly one of the worst feelings I’ve ever felt. All i can do is keep looking at my daughter and tell myself its ok x 

  • Hi again.  Incase it's' helpful, just to clarify.  As mentioned my consultant said he wanted the mole of the next day and therefore transferred me over to NHS.  If I'd waited to do it privately, he would have done it 3 days later so still pretty quick.  All I can think is that your consultant isn't concerned about it so hopefully that is positive.  I totally understand your worry though.  The uncertainty is horrible and I'm sorry you have that over Christmas too - I will be waiting with you! x

  • Hello! 

    I received a letter over the weekend in regards to my NHS referral. Saying I don’t hear from them by the 21st November then to call them. However over the weekend I have spoken with family and they’ve booked me an appointment at the mole clinic in London for the 21st for a consultation and removal. So I’ll call the NHS number tomorrow and discuss it. 

    There’s another mole I have on my arm that I want him to double check as well. The dermatologist has said it’s fine but now I’m nervous Joy 

    I’m hoping by some luck that the results will be back by Christmas! X 

  • Hi!  Wow - that's amazing!  I'm really glad things are moving forward quicker for you.  When my consultant realised the mole on my ankle wasn't good, he immediately did a full body scan.  Have you had anyone do one of those?  Might be an idea if you've got others you're worried about. I'm a bit the same now that I've had the initial diagnosis.  I'm a 'moley' person so I'm hoping that he was right in saying all the others are ok ... apart from the original one on my face which is a BCC and has to come off. 

  • When I seen the consultant at Nuffield last week he asked me to put on a gown and checked all my moles with the camera/magnifying glass (not sure what it is Joy) and he said they all look fine. The only one he didn’t like was the one on my neck. He said it’s showing signs of an atypical mole. He also said he doesn’t think it’s developed into a melanoma yet but it’s likely it will. 

    However I may call the mole clinic tomorrow and ask if it’s possible for the consultant to check the other moles as well. And if he has time remove those if needs be. 

    I normally enjoy going to London but this time I think I’ll be in panic mode and 2 hours on the train there will feel like a lifetime haha. 

    Yes I’m moley as well as I have blonde hair and very pale skin. Fortunately I’ve never been one to enjoy the sun or sunbathe as I’m too pale Joy how’s your journey been with it all? X 

  • Ah - the magnifying glass.  Yes.  I wasn't expecting the full body scan - hadn't shaved my legs and was in Lidl pants. Joy  But seriously - your consultant said you have a mole that will likely develop into melanoma - well that's fun to know ... not. How are you managing that one?

    I was chatting to an acquaintance today who said she's paid for mole removal and they do deals on multiples.Open mouth  Glad you got the whole check.  It's good to know and from what I understand now that we're in the system that will be a thing for a while.  

    My skin tans super quick - lots of people are jealous ... turns out they shouldn't have been. 

    My journey is up and down.  Sometimes I think it's just a little thing and then we're done.  I think the blood bank telling me I could never donate again was more of a blow than I care to admit cos it means it's more than a little thing.  Also if I've two dodgy moles then perhaps I'm in it for more than a long haul?  Who knows?

    Let me know how your appointment goes. 

  • I also wasn’t expecting the full check! Also unshaven legs and my maternity pants from 2 years ago Joy I think as soon as I said my paternal auntie passed from melanoma that was caught too late in her mid 30’s that sealed the deal for him. And as soon as he said it my heart has sunk since, going through every bad scenario. 

    I think from what I’ve seen on the website it’s an extra fee for more moles but not the full wack. But I’ll see what they say when I call tomorrow! 

    It’s such a crap thing isn’t it! How one mole can affect your life so much. I’ve told myself im going to do a full body mole check every year with a dermatologist. Try and be preventative x 

  • aw bless you.  My heart goes out to you knowing it's in your family - that's really hard.  Sweat From what I've read on this forum we will be checked every 3 months on the nhs for a while?  Anyways really hoping your appointment goes ok.  x

  • I also got caught out with the full body scan and bad underwear , to be precise knickers and vest , they must’ve thought I was about to do pe ! 
    had my WLE today and a second smaller mole removed so I’m crossing everything for a positive outcome. It is terrifying how it makes you feel and overtakes your brain 247

    wishing positive outcomes for everyone