Mole changed shape

  • 2 replies
  • 57 subscribers


i have recently noticed an odd shape mole that actually looks like a love heart. I went back through old pictures and can see that it has drastically changed shape. In photos from 2017 it looks like a normal small round mole then in 2019 just after pregnancy it’s a much bigger mole. 4 years later it’s now a love heart shape and slightly lighter in colour. I’m annoyed at myself as I’ve never paid attention so never noticed when it changed shape, I just feel lucky that I can see in old photos that it has. 

I went to my Dr who is also a dermatologist who said it looks unusual and referred me to the dermatologist at the hospital. I have just had that appointment today and she also described it as “unusual” and said it will need removing so now need to wait for that appointment to come through.

I would just like to ask if anyone has gone through the same where the mole has changed shape? 
I’m trying not to overthink it all but that’s easier said than done. 

  • Hi Darby44

    I have had 2 moles removed in the last 5 years. Both of which had changed. The last biopsy in July this year was due to a mole changing shape and colour. Both of these moles turned out to be completely benign. It’s good that you have noticed the change and acted on it. Your mole will be removed and gone. The waiting is very difficult. The internet will not be your friend, so try not to Google. I started to notice every ache and pain, and convinced myself that I had melanoma which had spread. This was obviously not the case, and was all in my head! My advice would be to try and find anything to distract yourself. I found being outdoors helped me. Take care. x

  • Thank you for your response it’s really reassuring to hear. I’ve searched and searched for someone who’s had a change in shape and struggled to find anything, good or bad. 

    Hoping I won’t have to wait too long but will definitely try and occupy my mind in the meantime x