Feeling unwell on treatment

  • 9 replies
  • 57 subscribers

Hi, just wondering if anyone else has suddenly felt unwell on nivolumbab not sure if that's correct spelling. I'm about to have my 4th lot next week but since Sunday I've felt so lethargic and sometimes very flu like and have to put myself to bed. Strangely I'm getting a temperature over 38 just randomly each day and once I've taken paracetamol it comes down. GP can't find anything wrong with me apart from my bloods are showing low calcium some kind of thyroid issue and also magnesium but clatterBridge don't seem to think any of that is related. I just feel rubbish at the moment. Any help and advice would be much appreciated.

  • Sorry that should of said 4th lot of treatment

  • Hi Moggy,

    I felt like like this after my second round of Ipiumumab/Nivolumab it started about 19 days after my treatment. I just didn’t feel right and was like you. I ended up in CDU at Clatterbridge twice they did all the tests but they couldn’t find anything they just thought I had the flu. When I went to have my assessment the day before treatment the nurse was shocked at the weight I had lost and she listened to me about how unwell I was feeling! She spoke to my oncologist who said to give me a break from treatment and see what the next lot of blood’s results are. It turned out that my liver had inflamed and I had autoimmune hepatitis. I’m now 3 months on from this and have had to have lots of treatment for my liver, my treatment has just been rechallenged and I’m only having Nivolumab now. Clatterbridge have been amazing with me but what I have found is speaking to others when I go for appointments and I get lots of information from them. 
    All I can advise is you know your own body and I do know you can become very lethargic from treatment. There are lots of horrible viruses going around at the minute just rest when you can. Xxx

  • Hi scousemouse, sorry for late reply i ended up in clatterBridge CDU like you. They found i had a lot of inflammation in my body as i suffer from multiple joint arthritis anyway. The treatment has brought on a condition called arthralgia which explains the temperature and aches and pains. I'm home now with a two week course of steroids and feeling lots better already. Thank you so much for lovely reply and thanks for sharing some of your situation. I really hope your feeling well and managing your treatment again. Xx

  • Hi Moggy,

    I’m glad to hear that you’re feeling better. I’m feeling good at the moment and it looks like I have no side effects from treatment so hopefully have been given the go ahead for the next round next week.

    Always here 

    Kate xxx

  • Hi Kate, that's brilliant news. I'm down for 12 months of treatment. Do you know if the months I've missed do i still need to add those on at the end or do they just get missed?

    Thanks Dawn x 

  • Hi Dawn, that’s a great question! I’m not sure but will ask my oncologist on Wednesday. I’m on a two immunotherapy pathway. I have missed three months.

    Kate xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Scousemouse

    Hello to moggy,Kate and scousemouse. Can I join you?  My husband has melanoma and is currently on his 3rd cycle of the same two drugs. He has grade 4 in his left lung, and a small patch on his brain. He is being treated at the Christie in Manchester. The first two cycles went well with min side effects ffects except a rash but this time has knocked him for 6 . Mainly lethargy, feeling yuk. Any contact on here would be great.

  • Hiya no problem at all. always here for anyone to share their experiences. My problems seemed to start after my 3rd lot. Issues with Thyroid,calcium and magnesium levels. I'm now on a break from treatment due to raging temperature which they discovered was coming from a lot of inflammation in my joints but i do already suffer with a lot of osteoarthritis. I'm now on a course of steroids to calm everything down. Maybe your husband could do with a break too apparently its quite normal to stop for a while and start up again. Sending lots of good wishes to you both. Dawn x (moggy)

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Moggy

    Good morning xx huge thanks for letting me know how things are going with you. After a crappy weekend,hubby this morning says he feels a bit better. So onwards we go. 

    He doesn't want to go get checked out in hospital so he is blasting through. 

    I will keep an eye on this thread and fingers crossed for everyone xx