Feeling pretty low!

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  • 59 subscribers

I had my melanoma diagnosis in September, my WLE and SLNB in November as was given the all clear just before xmas. I’ve since had my first 3 month check up and all was good, scars healing nicely etc. Roll on Friday just gone and my SLNB site has tripled in size, red, hot to touch and I’m back in hospital waiting for an ultrasound and abcess drainage! 
emotions are running pretty high right now. Has anyone else had a problem like this? 

  • Yes  i had a similar thing after i had a lymph node dissection  ,it was infected seroma, and i was really unwell, treated with antibiotics in hospital then after 10 days and no better had an ultrasound, and guided drain put in in another area, which was successful, home with .more antibiotics, took a while for me to feel normal again, but i am 86, they will soon sort you out, these things happen but you'll get over it try not to worry take care 
