It’s a good job I’m strong

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Good evening, 

A good saying for me lately ‘it never rains but it pours’ yesterday’s blood results shows my liver/autoimmune hepatitis has raged once again! I have been on steroids for nearly 6 weeks and they have been reduced every 5 days. I had finally got down to 1 a day which meant that if bloods were okay I would be able to restart immunotherapy next week! Instead I have been put on new meds (immunosuppressant) which can have nasty side effects as my wonderful, supportive CN told me yesterday to try and reduce the inflammation of my liver. 

I wouldn’t mind this is the best I have felt in a very long time. I know I have a battle with being Stage 4 palliative but would just like a break … I can’t fault the care I’m receiving and the fact they are not worried about the cancer is good however I never expected my liver to be causing me problems.

Oh well tomorrow is another day, let’s see how I react to this new medication…

Kate x