Patchy Skin / side effects

  • 16 replies
  • 59 subscribers

Has anyone had patchy skin after going out in the sun while on Pembrolizumab? I am sure it is prembro side effects and I wonder if it will ever go. My chest is pink and white patches.
When I first started treatments I had a really itchy rash on my chest but that is much better now. 

I also have a dry mouth which has made my mouth feel strange. A bit like you have been drinking heavily the night before. This side effect has only started after 6 treatments. My top lip looked like I had filler which went wrong. It has come down a lot now. I have another treatment next Wednesday and then another year. I notice some people only have 1 year of treatments.

I feel I have been lucky to only have few manageable side effects but am worried about my patches as I am a bit embarrassed about it.

Thanks for any comments


  • Hi  

    I don't have any shared experience with patchy skin but, in your position, I'd probably mention it when you next go for treatment in case there's something that you can be given for it.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi Lachbrook

    Thanks  for getting back to me. I am seeing my oncologist next month so I will ask him about it. 
    Happy New Year to you. 
    Best Wishes


  • Happy New Year to you too.

    Can you not speak to the nurse who administers your immunotherapy next Wednesday? When I was having chemo they always asked every week if I'd got any problems and I just assumed they'd do the same for immunotherapy patients.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • I have pigment patchy skin as a result of one dose of Dab & Tram & one dose of Ippi nivio in a transfusion.  I had both medications over two years ago. I only have two completely white patches both of which are small.  On my back and chest there are other areas which turn a different shade in the sun. I think of them as my leopard markings...

    I'm used to it now, and have noticed at the pool or beach that a fair few other people have this too.  No one has ever mentioned it to me, so I guess people don't find it too strange compared to the operation scars which are more of a talking point!  But I'm used to them too now, so I don't mind anymore.

    Take care


    Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out and find it!

  • Thank you for getting back to me. Much appreciated. Sorry for not replying sooner. So many problems with a friend.
    I told the nurse about my mouth and she made a note of it. I forgot to tell her about my skin. Will ask her next time. 

  • Thank you for your reply. Sounds a bit like my situation. Mine are on my chest and shoulders. I was hoping they would go away when I come off treatment eventually but doesn’t look like they will. I was pretty sure they were caused by the treatment. 
    I have just read your bio and my goodness you have been through it! What a positive person you must be! Makes me feel I am making a fuss about my problems. It is such a shock when you hear the word cancer. I have a scan and mri next week and I am worried although I keep telling myself I will be fine. Thank you for sharing your story. 

  • You're not over reacting or making a fuss at all. Its a huge shock being told you have skin cancer of any degree and I will never forget it!  But time passes and we all adjust to the new normal. 

    At the start of this, I was worried by the scans because I thought I'd get told more bad news.  Now I look forward to them so that I know all is stable with no change!  It was the same with treatment or drugs, I dreaded being told I had to do something else. Now I know that when my team start me on something, it just means they have another better plan which so far  have worked really well.

    Take care and if you didn't already know, as a member of this forum you need to spoil yourself sometimes...


    Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out and find it!

  • Thank you for your message. When I was diagnosed I was convinced I had between 2-5 years to live. So scary. The first scan I had said I was clear then the second one said it had spread to 5 places. I had scan and MRI last week and will see the oncologist on Wed for results. I have been really nervous about it but your attitude has cheered me up. So thank you. I hope your scans keep being good. Will let you know how I get on. 

  • RE: Patchy Skin / side effects I

    I look forward to hearing your news!

    Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out and find it!

  • Thank you for asking about me. I had results today and I am clear for now. My oncologist says it can hide so not out of the woods yet. So happy as you know what it is like waiting for results.

    I found out about my patchy skin and he says it is stage 1 Vitiligo so not happy about that. It is the pigment in my skin gone and will not come back. It is a side effect what will not improve even after I finish treatment. My dry mouth is just another side effect that he had not come across. Oh well I will just be happy with my results. ThumbsupBlushDisappointedHuggingHuggingWine glass Just going to have a glass of wine to celebrate. 