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  • 57 subscribers

Hi I'm 36 and have been diagnosed with melanoma on my ear I have my operation on Friday to take the majority of my ear off,I'm also having lymphnods taken out of my neck has anyone experienced the same thank you kind regards 

  • Hello Happfeet - what a super name, I wonder if you’re a dancer?

    My melanoma were on my scalp.  There was a large swelling behind my ear where It had spread.  Everything was taken out, plus part of the muscle in my neck.  VG theatre & Recovery Ward experience.  Took ages to drain & heal, v messy when honey used too, I sat upright for the duration, but slept well all through & we got there!

    Just remember: they want you to Live!  Let them do their stuff, it took a good few weeks for mine to heal, but I’m firing on all cylinders now!  Very best wishes Four leaf clover Blush

  • Thank you so much for your reply not a dancer just love penguins Blush

    Im so scared that's it's spread all the plastic surgeons that took the first biopsy said they would of put money on it that's it not melanoma so they where just as shocked as I was when we had the results.

    Since then it's just been a blur traveling to and from Birmingham hospital as I live in Hereford so abit of a drive, I hope your all well thanks again 

  • I love penguins too!  I’ll be thinking of you on Friday.  It is the right way to take out lymph nodes as they are a pathway for the malignant cells to spread.  You, like me, are having significant surgery - but rest assured they will do their very best for you.  Try to take it as it comes, but by bit.  Good luck and God bless.  Keep in touch, we are rooting for you x

  • I really feel for you and know how utterly terrifying it is to have the diagnosis and then build yourself up to the op. Just remember they've caught it early enough to operate, that's a good thing... All the delay with my case meant it became inoperable and I'm mid way through immunotherapy which is working brilliantly but knocks you around a bit!

    I'm 45 with a 7 year old daughter and my fear and being scared centers around my worry I've not being there for my daughter growing up.... I'm scared I can't plan for the future or do the things I want to do in life.... A whirlwind of emotions but I want to live a full life as I'm sure you do... I have so many things to look forward to and will be damned if thus is going to beat me without a damn good fight and that begins from the start... Keep your spirits high for as long as you can, allow yourself times to cry and hug it out with your nearest and dearest. Believe in yourself and the treatment you are having... Its to save your life and will at the very worst buy you valuable time and at its best completely cure you... When your life is at stake let's docs do their job... Embrace your treatment.... You will have days of being scared and being down.... Just focus on the end goal of getting it gone and grabbing back your normal life as quickly as possible. I wish you all the luck in the world for your op.