
  • 8 replies
  • 59 subscribers

So I’ve just had my stitches out of my WLE on my lower leg (3 weeks post op) 

It looks an awful mess, is still tender and swollen and I could see the wound look like it was opening up (esp at the one end) once the stitches were out. 

The nurse didn’t seem concerned. She said it looked swollen and tender, but not infected. She has put suture strips on it (an awful lot of them) and now it’s stinging (but I think that’s the effect of having had the stitches out.

I was supposed to be going back to work tomorrow and was really looking forward to it, but now I’m a crying mess. The nurse said that it’s my decision because it’s my leg. I don’t know what to do. If it’ll be ok, then I really want to go back to work, but if I could do some damage, then obviously I won’t!  With where it is, I’m worried about my ankle swelling  Work have been great and said to take s as long as I need, but I’m just not sure how long that would be. 

Has anyone else had stitches in the same area (the wound is about 4” long). How long before you were up and around? I won’t even ask about exercise Face palm tone2

  • Hi

    That must have been incredibly disappointing and frustrating for you to find that your leg hasn't healed completely yet.

    My WLE was on my arm so I don't have any experience with a WLE on the leg but I noticed that you hadn't had any replies to your post yet. I've had a look in the group and the most recent person who has had a WLE on their leg is  so, I've 'tagged' them in the hope that they'll pop on and share their experiences with you.

    Wishing you all the best with whatever you've decided to do re work.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Thank you for your reply. 

    Yes, disappointed is an understatement!

    I think Andrew’s is on his forearm. However, I have spoken to the dr since I posted and now have another 2 weeks off work and need to elevate my foot for a few days again. 
    This is frustrating but it is what it is   

    i do feel much better now I’ve spoken to the dr as the nurse couldn’t really give me much advice and I was so upset seeing the wound starting to open as soon as the stitches were removed. But the dr called me down a lot. 

    thank you again for replying - it does mean a lot to know someone is there. Xx

  • Sorry to hear this - mine will be on my thigh just above my knee so they did warn me it’s an awkward place for healing. Ive no experience but have heard from a friend that the lower leg can take longer to heal. Understandably, you’re fed up and angry no doubt. Keep talking to your friends and family and I hope you get back to work asap xx

  • Thank you. I’ve been trying to arrange for people to come round and visit me and this really does help brighten me up a bit. 
    Its just another part of  the waiting game isn’t it! 

  • Mine was also on my Arm

  • It’s just allllll waiting isn’t it. Keep your chin up and you’ve got us here if you need us xx

  • Hi and

    Sorry for the mix-up! I'd got it into my head that I'd seen a photo that AndrewR had posted of a bandage on his leg. Good job I'm not a surgeon if I can't tell the difference between an arm and a leg, lol!


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Ha ha! 
    you could still be a surgeon - it always makes me laugh when they draw an arrow on you before surgery in case they get the wrong place Rofl