Pain and Bloating after melanoma diagnosis

  • 8 replies
  • 57 subscribers

Hello I just wondered if anyone has struggled with pain and bloating after a melanoma diagnosis. My right hand side (where the mole was removed from) is causing me some pain around my rib cage / abdomen / hip area. I’ve felt bloated for days. Constipated. Loss of appetite. It could just be completely coincidental but I just feel super uncomfortable all the time and it’s disrupting my day to day work and sleep. Should I call the GP? 

  • I would definitely call either your gp or the hospital for some advice. Any new symptoms are worth asking about - even if it’s only for peace of mind. Worrying will only make things worse. 

    i was getting pins and needles in my foot and leg and it was driving me insane with worry that the melanoma was spreading. I called the hospital and they assured me it was normal and that it would be nerve damage from the biopsy. 

    honestly it’s natural to over think every little twinge and then when you’re worried, that can affect appetite. It’s a spiral effect! 
    Do call and ask for advice. Hopefully they’ll know exactly what’s causing your discomfort and put your mind at ease. 

  • The nurse from dermatology is giving me a call today she I can discuss it then. My Mum had ovarian cancer & this is how she was so it obviously plays on my mind. X

  • Fingers crossed the call goes well and you’re feeling better soon x

  • I’ve been to the GP today for various pains including the bloating, she sent me to the hospital for a chest X-ray to check that area and my lungs - text from her at 2pm to say all was normal. Waiting for an ultrasound appt now to check my stomach area - could be gallstones possibly they think? 

  • Glad they’re sending you for tests to get to the bottom of it. 
    how are you feeling in yourself now?

  • Still struggling with pain predominately on my right side. Naproxen takes the edge off topped up with paracetamol. Need some laxatives to help with constipation….just feel so uncomfortable 80% of the time. Ultrasound booked 1/11 and on the cancellation list. How are you keeping? 

  • Awww doesn’t sound very pleasant. 
    I used to use lactulose for constipation - it’s a natural and gentle remedy. 

    1st November will soon be here - big hugs while you’re waiting. 

    I’m ok. Just coming to terms with the fact that it’s taking much longer to feel myself than I expected. Aim to start moving strong a bit more this week. 

  • US abdomen and renal tract now happening tomorrow - hurrah! 
    You’ve got this - slow and steady wins the race. X