Time so slow!

  • 4 replies
  • 58 subscribers

My partner was diagnosed with malignant melanoma on 7 Jan and is now awaiting WLE and SLNB on 25 March. I’m so worried and everything seems so long! Following that  I know will be another month or so before results. Unfortunately as I nurse I have too much knowledge and feel my head is too busy and I don’t even know what sleep is. Trying to work, exercise, keep busy but it’s a difficult time. Good to be on here and read other peoples experiences 

  • Jhscd, I'm so sorry to hear of your partner's diagnosis of melanoma in January.  You both must be in shock from the news right now.  My story is in my profile so I won't repeat it here but as a nurse also I too knew too much, knew all the possible outcomes etc.   I have also worked in palliative care mostly so I just thought death immediately but...it was a long time ago I looked after people with melanoma and so much has changed.  The new immunotherapy treatments are offering so much more hope and positive results than any previous treatments on offer- well there weren't any. 

    The only thing you two know for definite is the initial diagnosis so far.  The WLE and SLNB may both come back clear so no treatments necessary.  I understand your worry and it's made worse by your understanding of all things medical.  Try not to Google or anticipate things, the worst might well not happen.

    If you can, use any distractions possible to help while away the time until the operation, go for walks, days away or out, hobbies that you don't usually make time for.  Also write down any questions that pop up as we all forget them on the day we need to ask them!

    If you can do it, take off the nurse's hat and put on the partner's hat. Try and worry at your partner's pace, remember you've not yet received the completed diagnosis and it's important to not become exhausted with worry anticipating what may happen.

    Please keep us up to date on how things go hon and take care.  I'm sure others will post also offering support.


  • Thankyou lottment lover for such sensible advice. It’s hard to take the nurses hat off you are so right. I too worked in oncology but as you say I know treatments are certainly progressing and not just palliation now. Feel better after your reply as you make me feel you understand. Thanks so much and I will certainly keep you updated with his progress x

  • Hi Jhscd,

    Glad you were a little reassured by my words.  I guess our nurse heads are the same, I can imagine feeling just as you do if I was in the same position.  If you are Googling it's worth having a look at the NICE guidelines for treatments, they'll give you guidelines of what to expect.   The wait for results, surgery and treatments are the hardest part of all this and I'm sure others will attest to this.  Keep posting with any thoughts, one of the Macmillan Champions will probably contact you too and may suggest you have a look at/join another group on here which is focused on carers and family members looking after a person who has or may have cancer. 

    Take care x

    1. I agree the waiting is the hardest part! When it was me I got my initial diagnosis on the 19h April and the WLE and SLNB was not until the 6th June, then another 4 week wait for results . Nothing passed the time at all it was awful x hang in there x don’t over goggle! X