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Not sleeping! Argh! Catastrophic thoughts all night. I’m sure this is normal but I feel as though I am dragging myself through the days. I have a gynae appointment tomorrow from a dodgy smear over a year ago (damn covid!!) and I’ve now convinced myself that it will be bad news and more cancer. Sorry to vent.  

  • I've a different diagnosis than you Adele B but the wait until you know for sure is agonizing hon so I'm just sending you a huge hug and good luck for tomorrow Hearts

  • It’s hard to deal with anxiety and I wish you well for tomorrow .I myself had been anxious all last week until I received my scan results. It turned out I was stable and I wished I hadn’t wasted my time feeling as if I was going to hear bad news. I tried to keep busy and do things I liked but the weather at the moment doesn’t improve one’s mood. As soon as I got the results my husband and I headed for a travel agency and booked a week in Tenerife. I am careful when I am abroad but the warm weather lightens your mood.

    I overheard a doctor talking to a nurse after being asked could a certain person go away on holiday. He answered “ This treatment is to prolong lives and make the symptoms more bearable so if people don’t grasp life it’s a waste of time “ Very blunt but I think true. 

    I do wish you well for tomorrow and the forth coming treatment.

  • Thank you for your hug. I needed it! X

  • Thank you. We are booked to go to Skiathos in June, before all this rubbish started. Hopefully we’ll still go. I can be sensible and need something g to look forward to!

  • Hi we had booked to Skiathos and had to cancel two years ago due to COVID. Have a really good time. I have been abroad a few times since my diagnosis. My consultant is fine with it and I am just careful in the sun .xxx

  • Good luck for tomorrow Adele B, we all get days we are not at our best and the what ifs take over. If I remember I try and talk myself into appointments being a good thing a chance to find out and if required get the ball rolling on any action, which has to be better than doing nothing.

    Another virtual hug for you to join the others you’ve received.

    Take care KT