Is ugly duckling mole always melanoma?

  • 6 replies
  • 57 subscribers

hi all,

I am a 24 year old female with mixed ethnicity. I went to the dermatologist last week for a mole check. They flagged a mole that I didn’t expect them to look at it. This mole is a dark mole on my chest that is larger than the rest and an ugly duckling mole. She took photos of it and said it most likely is a dysplastic Nevus. She recommended for me to either remove the mole or monitor it but I chose to have it removed and biopsied.

i am really really  scared for the results. I’ve had this mole since I was 13/14 and never thought anything of it. But now I’m worried it’s cancer and it has spread everywhere in that time. Especially since it looks different to my other moles (I also don’t have many moles). 

can anyone provide any words of reassurance? I’m really really scared :( 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Anya,

    I believe you did the right thing choosing to have it removed and biopsied. That way you will know where you are in terms of what it is. 

    It is absolutely normal to be scared and if you read other posts the waiting is so hard. Our minds go into overdrive and disappearing down dark tunnels of worry and despair is unfortunately a common theme.

    The best advice I can offer is so many moles turn out to be fine or caught at very early stages and hopefully yours will be ok too. Try and keep yourself busy, it will help a lot. 

  • I had an unusual mole on my chest and had it biopsied about 11 years ago because it became a bit itchy. The biopsy came back that it was just a naevus so I thought nothing more about it. There was some talk about removing it but a young doctor dissuaded me because scars can become bumpy on the chest area. Fast forward ten years - itchy again and it’s melanoma. Whole thing removed. Wish I’d had it done ten years ago. I was really scared too but my doctors always have a plan. Hopefully you’re where I was ten years ago but with the up to date knowledge and treatments they have today. Please let us know how you get on. 

  • Hey Anne1536, thank you so much for your kind and reassuring words. I really appreciate it. I just got my biopsy results back today and found out that the mole was completely benign, just looked unusual! But it has been fully excised anyway so it should not be an issue for the future - which I am really thankful for! Thank you so much again and I wish you all the best for the future!!

  • Hey Tivbin, thank you for your message. Sorry to hear about your experience, but I hope you are doing okay now? I just got my biopsy results back today and the mole was benign, just looks unusual, but it has been fully excised anyway so it should not be an issue for the future. Thank you so much for your message and I wish you all the best for the future. 

  • That’s great news - so glad you got it completely excised and that it was benign. Big Phew Cold sweat! I’m doing fine thanks 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Anya122

    Hello Anya122,

    What great news! I am so pleased for you and now you can put this behind you and move forward. A good night's sleep tonight for you lol!

    Thank you for your kind wishes. All the very best to you xx