Why the delay?

  • 5 replies
  • 58 subscribers

Hi Everyone,

I am new to this group. I had MM three years ago and 6 weeks ago I had another three suspected Melanoma moles removed. I was told I’d get the results in 2-4 weeks.

At 5 weeks I called the hospital to see when I would hear and was told the results are in but the lady I was speaking with was not qualified to tell me. She said a doctor would call me.

It is now 6 weeks and I have still not heard a thing. I  am swinging between it must be good news or they would be rushing - to it must be bad news and they are discussing my treatment. 

Has anyone else had this wait knowing the results are there? 
What reason would they not be telling me? I am worried I’ve slipped through the net.

Thank you Eadie x

  • Morning Eadie,

    I sorry you are having to wait - as everyone one here can attest, it's one of the hardest things to manage.

    If it helps, I was told my results would be a letter in 6-8 weeks but they found something and I received a phone call in 3 weeks instead.  I would imagine the longer the wait the less urgent it is as they don't have to book in further treatments/appointments etc, as you have surmised, but each area of the country works slightly differently so we can't be sure.

    I hope you get some news before Christmas x

  • Thank you so much - that is what I am hoping. No news is good news. I hope you are ok and that you have a good Christmas too x

  • Hi Eadie,

    I would call them and ask again for results or explanation on why it's delayed since they told you that results are there.

    I had my WLE report through my GP when I went to get my dressing checked, he was checking for blood test results and said "oh your pathology report is here". So we read it and found out that it was negative. It was also accessible on my patient app. 

    As soon as I left my GP, I called hospitals dermatology department to ask them to confirm and they said, they can't confirm anything yet as they haven't had their MDT meeting to review that weeks results. I had my appointment 3 - 4 days later at the hospital where I was given the "official" result. 

  • Thank you Elmyra, having had MM before and the Wide Excision and Lymp nodes removal you would think I would remember the time line but it is like my mind has wiped it all. It seems crazy that they can’t give the results when they have them! My GP has emailed the hospital today to try to get them to let me know before Christmas at least but I am not holding my breath!  I do hope you are all free of it now you have had further surgery. Good luck with everything. I suppose I just need to be patient No news is good news x

  • It's a good idea to get your GP to email them KFM, fingers crossed you get the good news very soon!