Spread to lymph nodes

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  • 58 subscribers

Last Wednesday I was told I had melanoma in the sentinel node and one next to it. Another MRI and CT scan booked before meeting the oncologist for the first time on the 17th sept to discuss treatment.

My 21 yr old daughter is struggling big time with the news and the fact that even after treatment the disease can return out of the blue. As for me, I'm devastated, to me it just means death. As a palliative nurse my knowledge colours my reactions.

I'm also furious as my local surgery didn't take my growing mole seriously for a whole year and am working my way up to a  seriously accusatory letter which they'll no doubt wiggle out of.

The wait between tests and appointments is sooo long and I can visualise the cancer spreading as I wait.  Just want to not be here.  Have no fight left in me.

  • Hi , I remember when I was told I had metastatic melanoma 6 years ago I think I wallowed for a bit before self preservation mechanism kicked in, so I’m hoping your fight will come back. I can see how being a palliative nurse can make you focus on that part of things but hopefully that kind of care is way in the future. My attitude I think is coloured by the fact that I once became a complete responder after 6 months of Pembro. True that for me a year after starting treatment it was back but for many complete responders it stays away for many years. I’ve had a scan yesterday and may be starting a clinical trial soon which for some people again shows promise of complete response so I’m holding on to that positivity at the moment. 

    I’m awake at 2am though as I fell asleep early, A combination of a dark journey home from the scan and a reaction to contrast solution I think making me sick and going to bed early has woken me up. I bet when you look after others you want to see them feeling comfortable with being near the end physically and mentally, but as that’s a long way off and I bet you are still feeling well physically I have to possibly unhelpfully day come on down days are very natural and will come back but there is also a lot of treatment good news around as well. The waiting is the worst as you feel a sort of lack of control, or at least I do, the only thing you can control in those waits is eating healthily and exercising to give your immune system the best fighting chance against this melanoma. 

    I hope tomorrow morning brings a more positive day for you.

    Take care KT

  • I hope you find your fight and Better days lie ahead xx