Removel of Lymph nodes in my groin ,

  • 11 replies
  • 59 subscribers

Im in hospital after having my lymph nodes removed. As they have melamine cell in some my melanoma was taken out 2 years ago .the op was yesterday but my thigh was numb yesterday today some has been okay ,but round my knee, and inside my thigh is still numb ,is this right? 

  • Yes don’t worry I had  my lymph nodes removed in my left groin and I had the same numbness. It lasted for a while so try not to worry. I guess you have drains in. They can take a bit of getting used to. Take things easy and get plenty of rest. I wish you well .

  • Thank you so much for putting my mind at rest..i was rather worried about it you never know if youve done the right think 

  • Wishing you a speedy recovery x 

  • Im still in hospital after having my lymp nodes out last wed 18th but i still cant go home as im draining a bottle a day ,.im getting a bit wet about it  what happens if it goes on for a long time.thanks

  • Im still in hospital after having my lymp nodes out last wed 18th but i still cant go home as im draining a bottle a day ,.im getting a bit wet about it  what happens if it goes on for a long time.thanks

  • Worried not wet

  • hoping you are home soon xxx 

  • Hi Betful

    Try not to worry. The nurses explained to me that everyone’s different and for some of us it takes longer for our bodies to learn how to deal with the lymph fluid. I had my drain in for 3 weeks, and it was still draining 50ml a day. But once it came out my body seemed to cope - I was terrified I’d blow up like a balloon. Use the time now to research how to self massage to help move the fluid once the drain is out (and when it does come out you’ll feel so much better!)  and also look for exercises you can do to help you get back your movement and flexibility in your leg. Take it easy, don’t rush and be kind to yourself, it’s a big operation and takes time to recover from. But you will recover and get back to your normal life, promise. 
    Sending a big hug your way x

  • Thank you so much daffodil59 that’s good advice, I’ll certainly take it ,I have just come home with bottles and injections to do a lot of learning for a 84 year old,but onwards and upwards 

  • Hello Betful how are you getting on now? I hope you’re a bit better x