Has anyone been privately??

  • 11 replies
  • 59 subscribers

I was just wondering if anyone has used medical insurance for their cancer treatment and care?

I’m a huge supporter of the NHS and when my sister had breast cancer a few years ago the treatment was phenomenal!! However, I am blessed with having private health care through my work at no cost to me... I’m not sure how I feel about the rights and wrong of it but it’s part of my package so it’s there I’d I need it.

Has anyone gone privately and is there any advantage than using our amazing NHS? 

  • Hi  

    I had a peak at your profile to see what stage you are on your cancer journey but you haven't completed it yet.

    I went privately to see a dermatologist when I first found something strange on my arm. This was because the GP couldn't refer it as urgent, as he didn't believe it was cancer, and so I would have had about an 8 week wait to be seen under the NHS.

    The private dermatologist I saw also didn't think it was anything to worry about but said it needed removing to find out what it was. As I didn't have private insurance he wrote to my GP and asked him to refer me to his NHS practice so I didn't have to pay. I then had all subsequent treatment under the NHS.

    It would be great if you could pop something about your diagnosis and treatment into your profile as it really helps others when answering or looking for someone with a similar pathway. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Thank you latchbrook, always great to hear people’s experiences and receive support, thank you.

    I've added a little to my profile

  • Hi Spanielmumma, my husband has private medical insurance through his work for himself and me as a dependant. I was diagnosed very quickly by the NHS and referred to a centre of excellence hospital so going private in 2015 didn’t really cross my mind at first as cancer is always fast pathed. But they did give me an NHS cash benefit for the week I’d spent in hospital when I was not well and being diagnosed. When I needed surgery to remove a lymph node we spoke to the private company and discovered I’d been missing out on an NHS cash benefit and received in arrears £50 for each immunotherapy treatment I had received at the hospital. We also found out that they could not do the operation any quicker than the NHS could, and my hospital wanted the node to study as it was resistant to the immunotherapy treatment I was on. 

    However I had had a private op on my knee 20 odd years earlier so that we didn’t have to wait. The hospital was lovely but crutches were charged at £50 when they would have been free on the NHS, it was of course an extra to the private policy. A friend I accompanied to private surgery a few years ago (again not cancer related) was dealt with quickly, a lovely waiting area for me as a companion, but was more awkward and expensive for lunch while there. She did have a choice of the date and time if that’s important for work considerations. 

     I’ve tagged in another user (I hope he spots it,) as I think he may have experience that you are looking for. 

    I considered last week wether I should make use of the private policy again as I am awaiting a scan, it’s due mid August, as I have a lump that’s been growing since my last scan in June. I normally get an invite 4 weeks before it’s due and if not I’m asked to chase it up a week before it’s due. Last week they confirmed it was in the urgent pile but couldn’t tell me a date, very apologetic, and I know the have a high volume at the moment and can see less people due to the spacing for extremely vulnerable people. My hospital have made some contingency plans as I got a text message to say I might be offered a scan off site. This afternoon the hospital app shows I’ve now got an appointment on 2/9 a bit later than I’d hoped but still doable I hope so that I don’t have a gap if I have to change treatment. It shows CT scans are covered on the policy but I was concerned incase a scan privately might not be as easy for the MDT to view or be acceptable to the management of a clinical trial that I might be going on. The news is full of the NHS under strain and waiting lists so it’s a difficult decision. 

    The private health company at least might have a helpline to make use of to talk through cancer issues, much like the Macmillan support line, and also help with anxiety as he all have to face waits and possibly a worry of reoccurrence. 

    Not sure my experience helps but I can understand your dilemma re private / NHS as It seems there is not a one answer suits all circumstances.

    Your profile says you are awaiting a WLE/SLNB so you may be wondering if the surgery and results will be quicker privately and if the follow up at dermatology will fit in better with your commitments, and wonder if adjuvant treatment if needed will be easily arranged if you’ve had the surgery privately. The private company help line may be able to help with those questions or they may just give you a few numbers that you can call to do your own research. My husband’s company changed which private heath company they now deal with, pre existing conditions are covered but the admin and help doesn’t seem as friendly and helpful, but that may be the covid effect rather than the change in company.

    Best of luck

    Take care KT

  • My husband went down the private route. He had a mole on his back which  looked suspicious, sent picture to gp who referred us to dermatologist. We were seen just within the 14 days and like you a nursing team removed it. Diagnosed melanoma so referred to a melanoma team for a wide excision and lymph node biopsy, this is when we had a cancelled appointment so we contacted our private health medical insurers who referred us to a plastic surgeon. We had the wide incision and lymph node removal sooner than the rearranged NHS appointment which was very reassuring. We also had a ct scan privately which we are sure it was quicker than could have been undertaken by the NHS in view of the present situation. Unfortunately melanoma was found in lymph nodes so at this point we were referred to a specialist melanoma team at a city hospital and our appointments with oncology followed. We started a course of Pembro in June and have 12 months treatment. Overall the NHS are experts in their treatment, we've experienced long waits in clinics but it's not too bad. Personally for the initial process I would not hesitate to use your private medical insurance. I don't necessary agree with private insurance and feel health needs should be the same for everybody but especially at the moment my advice would be to use it.

  • can I ask how your husband is on pembro x I am due to start on Monday xx 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Amccl

    I am 6 weeks in on pembro and have my next infusion tomorrow. I had very serious concerns about side effects but have had nothing other than tiredness, still working from home and managing to play golf and do diy to keep me occupied  Went private for the wider excision and sentinel biopsy which was positive . Then nhs for oncology treatment. So far so good . Will keep everyone posted 

  • appreciate this feedback , good luck tomorrow 

  • Initially he had no side effects whatsoever, maybe the odd day where he felt tired. He's continued to play golf 3 times a week. He had his 2nd treatment 3 weeks ago and yesterday was his first really bad day, he just felt really tired and had lots of aches and pains. Think we just have to keep positive and not put everything down to the treatment. At the same time I have had a cough and cold for 2 weeks, done 2 negative covid tests and I know it's just a cold but I feel awful so maybe he has my virus, who knows.

  • Thanks for the insight x trying to be positive for first treatment x 

  • Amccl. hope all has gone well with you today.

    Sure it must have been a stressful day but hope you are feeling ok xx