Got Myself Overwhelmed

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Had a bad day today just overthinking the enormity of it all……I tried to get hold of my assigned MacMillan nurse but she’s off today….started off looking at Tilley hats, then Uv protective clothing…then working out cost and thinking everything I have already  isn’t going to be suitable….live in North West UK and not a sun lover but my outdoor hobbies are dog walking, my allotment and gardening….I have geared up with F50…I was a F30 before but not a sun hat person…obviously that’s changed but what does an average M n S lady wear…are long sleeve t shirts ok or do they need to be loose….I’m always trousers so that’s not a problem….sorry for rambling…I just need to get it out of my head!

  • Hi I also live in the north west. I have had melanoma for over 10 years . Read my profile if you want to.  My hobbies are walking so I do spend a lot of time outside. I also used to go abroad until COVID times but hope to get away when I can. 

    I just try to be sensible in the sun. I wear a sun hat in the strong sun but otherwise don’t bother as I have thick hair . I also wear trousers most of the time or long skirts. I tend to wear a lot of linen shirts with a vest underneath in the sun. I really don’t dwell too much about it as I feel it’s important to just enjoy everyday. I put on suntan lotion when I am out in the sun walking but apart from that just live as I used to.

    White stuff always have some lovely shirts and also have been selling t shirts with longer short sleeves .

    I got melanoma first on my thigh which I found strange as I am not a sun worshipper.

  • Hi lgrgdg90…thankyou for replying so quickly….I think today has probably been one of those days and I haven’t got my head on the right way!…..I have read your profile and it looks like you have been through a lot….for me it’s just the start and it’s not a place I ever thought I would be….my melanoma is on my back and I’m not a sunbather but I’m guessing from childhood is my only rational explanation when the sunshine was only ever seen as a good thing especially in a rainy part of the world….I suppose anxiety has to find an outlet and today it’s found one in my panicked response to my clothes…thanks for a few ideas…I do shop at White Stuff and have some of their long sleeve tops…i will take a look at their shirts…..I just hope we don’t get any of that unbelievably hot weather like last week as there was no where to hide…thanks again 

  • I have just read your profile and I wish you well with any further treatment or appointments. Yes it is a shock to get the diagnosis. We are lucky that there are so many treatments now. Hope you here soon. My husband and I try to get away for a few days every month and it breaks up the time between treatments. I also see my friends regularly and we sit in the shad3 if we have coffee outside.

  • Thank you….we are hopefully heading a bit further north in a few weeks for a few days break…just need to hear on next steps, settle my mind a bit…

  • I have just read your profile x like you mines was a T3 2.5mm melanoma . Mines was in my face ( all on my profile). the anxiety side I have really struggled with and had to contact my doctor regarding it. I am not a sun worshipper at all and never have been so I ensure sun cream ( I prefer sun sense) regularly, always have shoulders etc covered up and try to be shaded as best I can. It is all So overwhelming xx 

  • Hi Amccl and thank you for replying…I have just heard that I have my consult with Plastic Surgeon this Friday…waiting for any update is hard as you have said…I find it almost unreal how it has all come about and getting my head around that is taking time….the stops and starts with tests and treatment is very anxiety provoking and there are days like yesterday when I could have shut myself in a dark cupboard….not a nice feeling at all….I am so thankful for this community as despite my loved ones being kind and caring it’s so different from being able to connect with people who have experienced similar thoughts and experiences…thank you again

  • I can totally get it , I had four great days after getting the all clear ct scan phone call then day 5 I felt like I hit rock bottom again with the worrying about treatment options, side effects etc etc ! X 9 days until I go to the hospital to finally meet the oncology team and hopefully things will be a lot clearer then x 

  • I hope all goes well….I’m hand stitching a toy rabbit to keep my head in place….either that or chocolate Pouting cat

  • How are you feeling today x have you had your SLNB results yet x