First summer post diagnosis

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  • 57 subscribers

Hi, I was diagnosed with a stage 1b melanoma last year. I was lucky it hadn’t spread to my lymph nodes and was treated surgically with a wide excision. 
I lost my mum to melanoma at a young age and whilst mine was caught early it’s brought about some health anxieties and fear of recurrence. Now that the summer sun is out I have lost a lot of confidence and don’t know to what extent I can afford to be in the sun. I am wearing cover up clothes, hats, factor 50 suncream when I have to be out but what if I just need to put the washing out on the line or run my daughter to school. 
I’m sorry this sounds so trivial but any guidance and rules from those with more experience post diagnosis is much appreciated. I want to know if there can be a balance between being out and about, do I still need to wear sun cream at 7pm in the evening when I walk the dog etc... x

  • Hi I am so sorry about your mum and it is understandable that you are anxious in the sun due to your history. I do think you have to take sensible measures to cover up when it is very sunny and wear sunscreen   However you do need to live and enjoy life and it is important to get out in the fresh air for our mental health and also to exercise and get our quota of vitamin D . Your daughter needs the outside environment too. I wouldn’t worry too much about putting out the washing . I suggest you talk over your concerns with a specialist nurse who will give you some practical advise..

    I have stage 4 melanoma but it is under control and I walk most days for 3 miles .i just wear sunscreen when I need to and long sleeved cotton tops when it is sunny. . I decided to make the most of each day and continue to lead a normal as possible life I sit in the shade in an outside cafe etc I hope this helps you 

  • Thank you so much for replying, you have really helped me and you are right that more than anything my daughter needs to be able to be outdoors having fun and I need to be able to join her. This is what I want to work up to. 
    I also hadn’t thought about the benefits to my mental health too. I have bought some UPF clothing but I’ve even been doubting whether that is enough. I know I need to stop worrying and start to get out and about more.

    I wish you well, thanks again. You really don’t know what it means to hear this from someone who understands x

  • Hi

    It's definitely not trivial trying to work out how best to protect yourself in the sun. This doesn't mean that you have to stop doing things you used to enjoy doing in the sun, unless that was sunbathing, but you need to change some things to protect yourself.

    When I was diagnosed with melanoma I was told the following was necessary to protect myself in the sun:

    1. Stay out of the sun during the strongest time of the day (11am to 3pm) between April and October inclusive in the UK and in all months of the year in any other part of the world
    2. When going outside wear long sleeved tops and trousers/skirts made from natural fibres like cotton
    3. Wear a broad brimmed hat (brim should be at least 3 inches) and sun glasses
    4. Sit in the shade and never sunbathe 
    5. Any part of your body that is not covered, ie face, neck, back of hands should have a sun protection cream of SPF 50 that is effective against both UVA and UVB rays
    6. Re-apply the sunscreen as directed on the bottle
    7. Never use sunbeds
    8. Don't use sunscreen instead of covering up

    The first summer after I was diagnosed was particularly hard as I used to enjoy sitting in the sun. However, I quickly got used to the new regime and have a selection of hats to choose from when I go out. I also decided that I now needed a whole new wardrobe so went on a shopping spree. So, every cloud has a silver lining!

    I found myself crossing the street to stay in the shade but I've stopped these vampire tendencies since then! If I'm just popping out to hang the washing on the line for 10 minutes or so then I cover up but don't put sunscreen on.

    I enjoy walking so have to admit that if I'm away on holiday and we're planning a walk I don't then stick to the rule of staying out of the sun between 11am and 3pm but just make sure that I'm covered up and wearing sunscreen on my face and back of hands. It's just not always practical to stay indoors for 4 hours in the middle of the day.

    I hope that helps a little but if you want to ask anything else please do.


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  • Thank you for your reply and advice. It’s really helpful and I am starting to realise I need to get a balance. As you say some days it’s not practical to stay inside between 11-4 and so long as it’s not happening every day and when I’m out I’m well protected with clothes and suncream then I need to stop worrying so much. 

    You’re spot on comparing it to vampire like tendencies. I am also finding that I seek out the shade even if it’s just for 3-4 mins. I need to stop this and start to live more freely again.