Newbie waiting of results

  • 9 replies
  • 59 subscribers

newbie here reading through some comments and finding a bit positivity

Diagnosed with melanoma (3.8) just above my ankle in December which was from a large mole that i have had forever. Have had a WLE and 2 Sentinel lymph nodes removed in january which i found out last week both came back as positive. I had a CT scan on Monday and now waiting of the results. Been told that i will be starting immunotherapy or targeted therapy soon depending on B-raf results. I’m still in shock and finding it hard to take it in, especially waiting of the results which keep coming back bad. Physically i feel normal which is confusing me even more as no other symptons. Feel like i’m in denial. Can anyone relate? X

  • Hello,

    Yeah it's a bit of a whirlwind and the appointments come thick and fast. 

    It's great to hear you're now heading for some treatment. 

    It did take a bit of time for it to sink in with me. Seemed very strange when the nurse was handing over "Living with Cancer" leaflets. A bit of "Oh these are for me. Right."

    Maybe even a bit of feeling like an imposter after I saw family members with cancer struggling, and I was feeling normal minus a new scar or two. 

  • Hi

    Yes I know how you feel.  Its a very odd cancer as most of us diagnosed dont have any painful symptoms unless we have caught it very late.  Its the confusing thing for me as well as most as I felt perfectly fine but knew there was something wrong with a freckle i had. Yes it is also rather depressing hearing the cancer word and being assigned a cancer nurse ( even though they are great) it just feels like one is a patient and helpless ?  If you can understand that.  Hope things work out for  you with treatments, cheers Adam 

  • Hiya 

    Yes I can relate completely! 
    When I received my diagnosis I was feeling very healthy, better than I had done in ages to be honest.  I think being handed the ‘cancer info’ leaflets felt very strange and overwhelming and being told that I had free prescriptions for 5 years - but I kept saying I’m Not on medication so why do I need this?! I was so confused by it all. The first visit to ‘The Cancer Hospital’ was also strange I kept thinking ‘I shouldn’t be here!’ 

    All I can say is give yourself time to let it all sink in. If you have any questions never be afraid to ask on here, your specialist nurse or phone the Macmillan helpline. 

    I am now three months into my treatment - targeted as I had the BRAF mutation. I have days where I don’t feel great and have little energy and days where I genuinely forget about my diagnosis and feel ok. I went for a walk today and had a chippy tea! It was a really good, normal day. I take each day as it comes. 

    Hope you get on ok, this group is so supportive and understanding

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to JosieK

    Hi josie

    thanks for the response. Glad to hear you are now getting treatment. I don't know much about the treatments on offer other than what i read which is scary. Wondering how long the treatment lasts for and does it make you feel temporarily worse  - sounding this way in your case but hopefully you will be better soon. I was so anxious last week waiting of CT scan results, potentially they are ok but have to go for a further PET scan on 1 lymph node before they consider best treatment for me. Am getting there, but still early days. I still feel fine so doesn't seem right that i will be in oncology soon. X

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Adam55

    Hi adam, thanks for the response. I hope you are well and getting treatment now too. Sounds like i still have a way to go. Ive got a follow up PET scan (although told the CT  results were good) before i know the treatment plan. Apart from the stress of the last week or so, i still feel fine and hope that continues. Its definately a scary time for everybody but am trying to stay positive so hope you do it. Jacqui

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to scot88

    Hi, its definitely a whirlwind but thinking positively now as at least i got this checked out when i did. Ive still got a long way to go and not on a treatment plan yet but plenty of appointments! Next step a PET scan (enlarged node) so scary these scans and then waiting of results specially as apart from the stress, i still feel perfectly normal. You don't mention where you are in the process but hope you are doing well. Jacqui

  • Try not to read too much (I know it is easier said than done.) I got myself in a bit of a mess reading things that were out of date. Research and treatment into melanoma Is moving quickly and it can be out of date really quickly. 

    Wait to see what your oncologist says. If it helps write  a list of questions ready to take with you - I have a notebook that I write everything in so I don’t forget. The consultant  will go through the treatment with you so you understand it and can make a plan. Your nurses are also there to answer any questions.  I felt better once a plan for treatment was in place. 

    I’m on Dab and Tram for 12 months. It’s ok, a few side effects but very manageable and the support from the hospital I have is really so good. I also got support on here when I was deciding which treatment to take. But don’t be scared by other people’s experiences - we are all different :o) 

    I have my next CT and MRI in a few weeks time, I won’t lie to you, I am a little anxious about it, but like I said I really just take it all a day at a time. 

    Be kind and gentle on yourself xx 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to JosieK

    Hi there. I’ve decided not to read anything more as too scary and as you say its mostly out of date. i think hearing personal experiences and peoples journeys is a lot more relatable and its good to hear some positives. Hope your ct & mri scans go well,  its an especially anxious time waiting if results X

  • How are you now x I had my melanoma 2.5mm cut out my head last week and three sentinel nodes removed . Now the long wait for results x