Red painful spot at end of WLE scar 2 months after surgery

  • 2 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Hi there

My 7cm WLE scar on my calf healed in mid March, but I felt pain at one end of it this morning and noticed a tiny spot and redness around and slightly streaking out of it. I’ve put some antiseptic cream on it but it’s no better this evening and feels quite sore.

I’m wondering if it could be infected, but how can a wound that healed up two months ago suddenly develop a spot that is infected? Has anyone experienced anything similar?



  • Hi Jane

    About 8 months after I had my WLE and SLNB I found a tiny, red, painful lump at the end of my SLNB scar one Saturday night. It was still there on Monday morning so I phoned my SCNS and she got me an appointment to see my consultant a couple of days later.

    The consultant examined the lump and diagnosed it as an infected hair follicle. Two weeks of applying a cream got rid of it thankfully!

    Could I suggest that you give your SCNS a call first thing Monday morning and I'm sure they'll arrange an appointment for you. Hopefully, like mine, it'll turn out to be nothing but it's always best to get anything new checked.

    Let us know how you get on when you speak to your SCNS.


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  • Hi Jane

    Did you speak to your SCNS about your spot?


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