Can I give blood ever again?

  • 9 replies
  • 57 subscribers

I received my diagnosis on weds and luckily it’s only melanoma in situ.

I go to meet the maxillofacial team on Tuesdato talk about a WLE surgery (will this be local anaesthetic) and possible skin graft as it’ll be on my cheek. I think I will get the op date then too but unsure. 

Does anyone know once healed would I be able to give blood again or this a no no? 

Thank you 

  • FormerMember

    would you risk giving it to some one else, ask yourself.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    That’s a rather rude response! 

    No I wouldn’t want anyone to get melanoma and I won’t be donating anymore. It was something I was very passionate about though! 

    I’ve been doing some research and it says after a year and if no recurrence then can donate. I see there’s quite a few people in here who are very experienced and knowledgeable  so was hoping for their view. 

  • FormerMember

    It is a big no, no.  It happened to me and it was a thank you and goodbye.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    thank you for your reply. I will see if I can contact as was due to be giving soon Disappointed 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    If give you a different answer to the one they gave me do let me know out of interest.  i was 'suspended' from donating once they knew I had a lesion that was being investigated.  Then when it turned out to be MM that was it for me, no more donations. I assumed that it was because with cancer and not just MM no one truly knows whether it has gone for good and it could have got into your blood.  It did with my husband.  Interesting that you have found information to indicate you can donate again if no reoccurance within a year. 

    I can understand you being passionate about donating.  I can remember being disappointed when various things stopped me donating.  At the very last minute  the remains of an old cold sore scab on my lip was spotted and I was rejected.  It wasn't that obvious and the lad who interviewed me got into trouble for not spotting it.  I had bouts of vertigo for over a year - no donating allowed.  I had physio treatment for a knee injury from a physio who was into alternative medicine and did some acupuncture on me which I gave no thought to until I went to give blood - rejected again.  She should have given me a certificate apparently.

  • Hi  

    That's great news that it's only in situ.

    If you've been diagnosed with malignant melanoma then you are precluded from donating blood as, in theory, cells could have found their way into your bloodstream. This is Cancer Research UK's answer to 'Can I donate blood if I've had cancer'.

    However, it is probably still worthwhile checking with NHS Blood and Transplant as your melanoma is not classed as malignant but in situ as it's only in the very top layer of the skin.

    It would be great if you could you come back and let us know what the official answer is please so, that if anyone else asks in future, we'll know for sure.

    Usually WLEs are done under a local anaesthetic. This information gives more details about WLEs and skin grafts. You might not get the appointment for the operation at the same time as you go to meet the team. Mine came through the post a week later and my operations were about a fortnight after this.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi

    I was wondering how your pre-op went and if you have a date for your WLE yet?

    You were also going to report back to the group to let us know what the official line on donating blood after having melanoma was.

    Take care


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    Oops so sorry not been on for a while. 

    My wle was on May 2nd and went swimmingly and I have a big but very neat scar down my cheek. It blends in and just looks like I’ve been scratched lol and when I smile just looks like a large dimple haha. I’ve been discharged as my consultant is happy he’s removed the lot and I’ve healed nicely. I had my 3 monthly check up and he checked all my moles and told me to take monthly pics and shouldn’t need to see me again unless a new change. I asked him about giving blood and he said absolutely. I will be ringing blood uk on Monday just to clarify but the hope is there :). 

    Hope you’re well ladies :) 

  • That's great to hear that you've been discharged

    Wishing you all the best


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"