Immediate Biopsy

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I was referred to dermatologist by gp on 2ww pathway due to an inflamed/growing raised mole that I’ve had as long as I can remember. 

I called the department the day before, and asked if they would biopsy there and then and she said “highly highly unlikely”. 

I had my appointment yesterday, the derm looked at my mole through the dermatascope and said he didn’t think it was concerning, but that they would take it out for a biopsy. I asked when and he said now. He asked the nurse to check with the other nurses (who did the biopsy) and to squeeze me in straight away.

So it’s somewhat confusing - he said it didn’t look concerning but wanted it out immediately. I was really shocked and a little worried on top of the confusion. Everything I’ve read has said that biopsy wait times even as urgent are at least a week.

Does anyone have any insight or experience to possibly put my mind at rest. He said 4 weeks for results. 

  • I can’t help with any personal experience of such prompt treatment, but what I would say is that whatever it is, the sooner you know the better.

     I was referred to a dermatologist,  who recommended a biopsy and the earliest appointment they could offer was 3 months later.  Five weeks wait to find out it was a Stage 1b melanoma and then surgery for a WLE and SLNB was said to be 4-6 weeks away.  Luckily I was nearer to the 4 weeks, but it was another 5 weeks for the result of the biopsy.  Fortunately, there was no evidence of spread into the lymph nodes or surrounding tissue, but  finding that out took 6 months from start to finish, and the waiting was nerve racking.  

    In your situation, I would probably be thinking the worst too. I remember feeling like that when I had a phone call to give me an appointment to see the dermatologist and  their words were “ We need to see you as soon as possible”.
    I do hope all goes well.  Try to think of your experience as private hospital timelines  without the cost!