Second opinion

  • 2 replies
  • 50 subscribers


So this isn't Melanoma related, but it IS mole related.  I've been treated for Stage 1B melanoma and the results are clear (whoop whoop). I'm now keen to get the other mole which was diagnosed as a Basel Cell Carcinoma removed as it's on my face and growing rapidly. My consultant is quite quirky and was a bit 'gung ho' about how he would remove it. The SCNS looked doubtful when he said he would 'have a go' at getting it off and queried with him if that was the best option. My surgeon who did the WLE/SNLB also looked conflicted about how it should be removed and his SCNS whispered to me that she wouldn't advise going back to my original consultant as it's too near my eye and I have too much to lose. 

I've now booked for a second opinion from a consultant the SCNS recommended as she'd seen his work but I'm conflicted.  I really liked my original consultant and would like to be under his care for the ongoing checks but equally I don't want to risk something close to my eye with someone who perhaps doesn't have the right experience.

Just wondered what other folks experience is of getting a second opinion?

  • Hi  

    I haven't had a second opinion but I noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet. Responding to you will 'bump' it back to the top of the discussion list again.

    Wishing you all the best with whatever you decide to do.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi Fifitrix, 

    Sorry your BCC is growing rapidly so close to the eye. How soon is your second opinion?

    I got a second opinion for something that was eye-related (not melanoma related) and the very gungho Consultant was very very wrong. What he would have done was not only unnecessary but dangerous and irreversible. It's because there was so much at stake I got a second opinion. Only you know what the stakes are for you personally in terms of waiting. If it was a very short wait, I'd likely go for second opinion. If a longer one, it's more difficult. I haven't been in the same situation as you so really can't advise. Have you spoken to the nurse helpline as sometimes their insight can be helpful alongside that of hospital expertise. Sorry you are having to deal with this.

    Take care. Sending a hug x